Twinkling lights
You say look at those twinkling lights
I look and see the stars in your eyes
They shine so brightly and I wonder
How can you still be so happy?
Your laughter is real
I can feel you enjoy life
It doesn't matter what they do, you say,
All you need to do is to follow me. Let's finally have some fun.
I nod and want to, agree but you know me
I have no idea how to play, how to laugh out loud,
how to enjoy it and where to find that fun.
All I can do is observe you
From a distance
I watch over you and hope
Those hundreds of twinkling lights you spread
Will brighten up at least a hundred more lives
and all these people will share their twinkling lights
just like you used to.
Prompt used: hundreds of twinkling lights
#kittywu #poem #lights #creative-writing #freewrite