Being a frog sucks. I rather am a wolf although his reputation is worse than mine. If you ask me it's because people fear wolves even if they call them their best mate.
Although I do my best to eat flies and whatever sticks to my tongue some appreciation isn't in it. But what do you expect if you let yourself abuse finding golden balls for spoiled kids?
No thank you or kiss, just nasty children who cut you into pieces during biology classes is what a frog gets. These children love to blow you up let you explode and this all because of a stupid tale about a bullfrog or some frog that bragged he was bigger than a bull or cow or some useless herbivore in the field.
Tales don't do a great creature like me any good. Royalty or not before you know you are caught and changed into a speciality on the menu of some exclusive or forbidden restaurant.
Take my advice and be wise. Do not be gallant, attentive and never fall for a human's false promises. The best life is one where you stick to your own kind, hide between the green, hibernate if possible and let people deal with their own issues.
You'll see if you wake up the world you once knew is indeed a better place because the old plague, grasshoppers are on the menu today.
Frogs... with us they are protected for years. It's no longer allowed to kill them or have them for dinner. Interestingly, so many animals have a bad name due to the stories we tell children from generations. Once a bad name it's hard to change the fixed idea we have printed in our brain. Let's see if frogs will be on the menu again just like birds, dogs, hares and all those other animals we used to eat and provide us with what our body needs.
I won't ever eat a frog.. No way! Poor frogs hahaha. They get noisy in us when it's rainy. Like cows moo-ing. 😄