Not a bad catch
She wasn't a winner, the salesman said, I accept any offer.
I assure you she is not a bad catch.
No cat in the bag, if you know what I mean
With her, I will ride around the globe,
travel to the moon and back
She's my joy and last hope of love and freedom
G-rated is her name.
She doesn't care about glory or fame.
No awards on a shelf, no tribute
All she cares about is a pat on the shoulder
a friendly word, and a daily meal.
I know this lady is getting older
but she's worth it.
Gonna hit the trail, she whispers
Facing the bright light of the moon
If you like to come along hop on son.
And so I did.
All the barn animals watched us leave.
Man, did they look mad.
Just the ugly duck waved
and said: That horse of you is pretty, a great catch
Bon voyage, au revoir, and stay safe you lucky devil!
Prompts used
she wasn't a winner
G- rated
hit the trail
bright light
barn animals
#kittywu #tale #story #freewrite #creative-writing
Women once open herself and heart to who she really is more attractive and she's worth it. It just that sometimes we see them in their "ugliest" level. May we all find grace and the will of the Creator for us, just like with men.