No voice

4 14

Slowly more people start to think.
Think about what is going on in our country. We had a sort of lockdown. It meant: borders closed for people outside the EU or after a certain time at night.
The prime minister said "We have to do it together. We do it for those who are more vulnerable than we are."

More vulnerable are the elderly people (70 years or older), those with immune diseases or live with organs donated. "We have to do this together", the prime minister said but did we?
Schools closed except for children with parents who could not work at home.
Supermarkets, pharmacies, drugstores, restaurants, and lunchrooms offering takeaway, online shops, and those shops who could guarantee the 1.5 meters rule remained open and they made a huge profit.

The government spread fear with the help of the media. The fact is most of us do not know one single person near to us who was infected with the virus and became seriously ill and... died.
Did people die of the Coronavirus or did they die because they were already sick?

I saw a list of people who died. A list of people who were already unhealthy, even seriously ill. They suffered from cancer, being extremely overweighted, heart diseases, diabetes. I see people with liver damage (alcohol) and kidney failures on this list and I have strong doubts. Strong doubts about the given reason why they died. Died in a period there were not enough hospital beds and tests were hardly done. Died in a period the government suddenly approves euthanasia, to kill those with dementia (Alzheimer).

Was the coronavirus a surprise?
Not to the world's leaders. In October 2019 they discussed how to act during a pandemic. This topic didn't come just out of the blue. They knew it and used it to spread fear and to finally break all those people who keep protesting, asking for a higher salary. Those people who keep traveling, flying, driving cars, wasting, refuse to stop eating animals. The coronavirus is good for blaming the bad economy and way more.

Although the borders are open again, the shops are, not so many more people died as during the winter of 2018-2019 and people can go on a holiday now, the government suddenly wants a new law. A law that starts on July 1st, 2020, and will take at last one year. One year... it's long enough to kill the useless ones, those in your way, to spread more fear and control everyone. To set the " new normal".

Why a new law? Why now? That's what I ask myself. Life started again and we never needed one. We survived many plagues before. Why? Total power is the only thing I can think of.

After the right of a referendum was taken away, now is the right to demonstrate.

A new law will forbid us to invite people in our house, to shake hands, comfort a child which isn't ours, help someone who had an accident on the street, to meet new people and start a relationship and this all in the name of the Coronavirus!

This new law isn't there to protect people but to limit rights. The right to elect a new government for example.

Are we really doing this together?

The question is who is meant by "we". The only thing I notice is there is no we.

We, the people are not asked.

We, the elderly were locked in, were not allowed to have visitors, and died alone.

We, the elderly were not taken to hospital but asked how we want to die although we build the country and paid more tax and health insurance than anyone else.

We have no voice, no rights, and even the Constitution law will soon be history because of one law. A law he said wasn't necessary. A law that will only benefit him. To him, there is no "we" just a "me".

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Try to take action within your community. Writing to english speaking people is a good outlet but maybe it will not change anything.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What you mean by my community? My country? I already join and support an organisation who fights for rights but that doesn't mean I/we should not tell the rest of the world what is really going on or? If that is the case we can close each platform and newspapers.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's not just about the people who died.
You have plenty of reports if you search for it (I can also link some) of healthy people that did not die from the virus but struggled from various complications for a long time.
There is a information war going on. The government is going to keep governing and do their usual shit. But that does not mean that the virus is not real, or is just the flu.

A new law will forbid us to invite people in our house, to shake hands

No way anyone can see if the law would be followed, so it's as if it didn't exist.. I guess you are sure it is not a myth.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am not saying this virus doesn't exist, we never had a pandemic earlier in human history but I am saying it's abused by governments. Plenty of specialists started the wrong treatment is given. If they go on social media, say their opinion they are wiped out. Specialists warned the lockdown will kill way more people than the virus but we hear no politician being worried about that.

If I want my children to visit me, take the risk to get ill and die instead of being alone in a room 2×3 meters, knowing I will not be taken to hospital, it's my choice. Because I cannot walk it doesn't mean I have brain damage.

Thanks for your comment. 👍

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3 years ago