No money, no food

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2 years ago
Topics: Freewrite, War, Life, Money, Food, ...

If you had no money to feed your children, how would you go about getting food?

The question you read above is a scenario given by This site is good for prompts or characters to write about. If you have nothing to write about you can give it a try. It's an interesting question and I wonder how many of you readers deal with this. If it comes to me as an adult I can do with just a bit of food and it can be found in nature too. Will it keep me alive? If I like to plant something I need seeds or plants to start with. I have seeds but it will take long before it will turn into food if I can harvest at all. Let's be honest if I don't have money for food I won't have money to pay for the electricity (so no water either). Hopefully, I still have a roof above my head. I rather die in my own cold home in bed the outside under a bridge or be hit by a car.

If I have no money to buy food for my children I need help. Where to get it? I hope my eldest can give me a few euros but if not?
I have no contact with other people, neighbours or friends so which options are left? At the time I can't feed my children I stopped eating myself. They might be able to visit the school a bit longer but at a certain point, that's no longer possible. To get to school they need to take the car to the bus stop. The car needs gasoline, the bus costs money, the money needed to buy food. If not for me (I can try to live from sunlight and air and save more energy by sleeping, can I hibernate, more) then at least for my children.

Would I eat our pets? No, I wouldn't and I would set them free if I can't afford to feed them. The wolves can hunt and most likely that is what I would give a try.
There are plenty of birds, rabbits, hares, even deer just no water to fish. Perhaps I can find eggs or we eat mice, rats or something else the cats find.

In the country, mother Nature provides food. Winter will be hard but jobless, poor and hungry means being creative and using your time to go for a hunt and search for and collect food and... if possible prepare it for the winter.

The leaves of the dandelion make a good salad, out of the flowers a jelly/jam can be made.
Poppies are good for jam, syrup and it's good for the throat and fights sleepless nights. Good to calm down and who knows to hibernate?
Most flowers can be eaten and so can rosebuds (you can make syrup or jam out of it and it contains vitamin C, spending a lot of time outside is good to keep warm and for the needed vitamin D). Chamomile grows outside too good for tea, infections and hopefully, I'm no longer allergic to it.

Since I hunt I can see if I, or my wolves, can catch one sheep out of the herd of hundreds of sheep walking around here and making my life miserable for years with all their stable flies and shit. So we can eat meat: sheep or lamb, hare, bird (pheasants, I let the owls and birds of prey live) and we have veggies. I know some have orchards with apples, grapes. If those places are abandoned I go for it. If not I can offer to help pick fruits. Many orchards let it rotten because no one is willing to work. Kind of a pity and a great waste.

What more can I do except for offering my services (I can cook, clean and much more)?

I can sell some stuff although I learned it takes time. For everything is a buyer but rarely if you need it so the trick is to start in time and be prepared. Being prepared is what I try to be but it's hard. If you know me you know I do have a pantry and it doesn't only contain food.

What happens today is predicted and if you know your history, read the news in the past three years you know what we are heading to. Crisis after crisis and no crisis will pass without a war. That war is started by the same who started all those other wars and time after time got away with it. It's sad but true that no one will come to your rescue if you need it most.

So to answer the question... I will search for food before I am out of money. I will try to find a way to make my children survive as long as they want to. I will stop eating myself, not eat my pets but search in the country, hunt and if needed I beg, sell as much as I can and if that isn't enough I go after the fruits and (living) food of others. I won't let my children die because of the greed of a few wealthy families, the war they provoked just to depopulate. 'Nood breekt wet' (Necessity breaks the law) a Dutch idiom says and what counts for the present dictatorship with all its restrictions counts for me too. 

Ps, I wouldn't easily rob a store because I don't live in a city. No shops nearby, no fast food restaurants where one can eat out of a garbage can, no beggars sitting on the street.
Being aware of what happens to us in Europe is the first step. Counting with and being prepared for the worst is the next. By now we know while governments spend billions the people pay the price. Each day everything is more expensive. The best start of starting a pantry is with the most essential things one need to stay alive. This isn't toilet paper but food. Perhaps I should calculate how many cans of beans I should buy to have food for my children for at least one meal a day for a year or two?

#kittywu #life #freewrite #thoughts #money #famine

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
2 years ago
Topics: Freewrite, War, Life, Money, Food, ...


Money is so important for us living in this planet. Without money we can't buy food, without money we can't take care of our children. That's why I always say money has a lot of power.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People live and lived without. They managed with and without children. All those costs for living. Many are forced upon by the government too. We are forced to live in a certain way, to raise children in a certain way, to pay all kinds of taxes... Great but most of these payments didn't exist 50 years and longer ago.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Money is very essential in our living but we can have some alternative. We should plant for us to survive. God is a great provider.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We should plant indeed but what if we can't or have a bad harvest or two or three in a row?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Without money its gives us an feeling of being losing our self to live but if say so we need to grind or get some works that earn money, I really prepared to live in province because if you have seeds to plant is good to saw that you are earning of food instead of money.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's good if you can provide in some food yourself. It does give a better feeling if you don't need to visit a shop for everything.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah buddy that true

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Planting is a smart way to survive. Many people back then sur vive without money, because they have crops to harvest, and serve as meals.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed. We depend too much on money. We have to find different ways to at least provide in (a part of the) food we need.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It was like a brief summary of the situation that those who pride themselves on being a welfare state today left the people living in their country. Engaging in a lonely and difficult struggle at the point of need can make things even more difficult.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The welfare state(s) will be in trouble and drag others with them. If you give up on growing your own basics need to buy everything, depend on others and your money becomes useless...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gonna save this link for my next article sis.

And as for me, I do not know what to do if I have no money. I can't stand a day without eating.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I would like to read your thoughts. Perhaps while writing you find solutions? Stay healthy and enjoy your meal. 🍀💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago