Money doesn't make happiness.

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4 years ago

A tale tells about a single father with many children. It's Christmas and they have nothing to eat. A neighbor feels pity for the father and offers help. He can bring them food and take care of one of the children, is willing to pay for its needs and education. This way it can help the father to provide in the needs of itself and the siblings. The father refuses. According to him, it's better to be poor and die for hunger together instead of accepting the generous offer, study hard, and find a job. The story ends with a neighbor leaving while the father and his children sit in the cold at an empty table and sing a song.

I have no clue who made up this story, what the "wise" lesson taught is but to many in the same situation this neighbor, showing up on Christmas Eve, would be welcomed and seen as an angel sent by god. Instead, we are confronted with a father who rather prefers his children to die instead of accepting a helping hand, a way out of the misery he can not deal with alone.

Does money make happiness or is it better to be poor?

There are idioms, songs, and plenty of tales claiming the best life is living in poverty. In reality, being poor is not romantic. Neither is being rejected or neglected because of your lack of health, education, not being able to buy the right clothes or shoes, a study, to afford a doctor or pay for the rent of a house.

Expressions like: It's better to be poor than sick, do not make any sense. Sick is not the opposite of poor but rich is. In real life, there are way more poor people sick than wealthy ones. It might be that extremely rich people are bored and do not know what to do with their money but it's not said poverty and boredom don't go hand in hand. If you are poor, jobless, you would love to have a tv to kill time or a day out to the Zoo or an attraction park.

Why do we state being poor is a good thing?

Do we really believe only poverty can bring us real happiness?

To find the answer we only need to ask those who are needy. The ones who have sleepless nights because they cannot pay off their debts and have hardly anything to eat. Those who see their children die in front of their eyes. Children they brought into this world, are responsible for and are not able to offer a meal a day and a roof above their head.

Ask those elderly who worked their entire life and end up in a room alone or live on the street begging for some money. Do they feel happy and enlightened?

The only reason why we say it is better to be poor is to make ourselves feel less miserable.

We try to fool ourselves and hope our mind buys it. The opposite is true. We know exactly it stinks to be poor and it eats us if we are seen as a loser. We want what others have, the rich(er) ones not the bunch of other losers we are surrounded by. We want a house, car, computer, go on vacation, have a partner who loves us, and is successful. All things which we can buy if you have money.

People with money, those with savings, feel more secure. They know they can survive a bad time (like losing a job or paying for an unexpected high hospital bill) it gives them peace of mind and if you really want to feel happy start counting money. According to some scientists, it even helps if it isn't our own.

$ 0.33
$ 0.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.11 from @Telesfor
Avatar for wakeupkitty
4 years ago


Yeah, money add value to life, but being desperate about it brings many sorrow. The love for money is not the root of all evil, but the control of money. Those who allow money to control them ended up being selfish and wicked. Of course, everyone needs money and we all need more of it, but your manner of pursuing it determine how it will be to you. To live life in poverty is a course, and everyone needs to be able to break out of it.

$ 0.06
4 years ago

Being desperate for money easily happens if bills pile up. Bills mainly sent by government etc. I partly agree if it comes to "let not money control your life" bit it happens easily if you have hardly any.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I don't really understand your concept despite reading through consecutively, but what I do know is that one tends to have a level freedom and happiness when he or she has money. What I deduce from here is that money doesn't bring Joy. There's a great difference between joy and happiness.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

To me, joy and happiness are the same. I am not sure what you mean by the concept. The facts are in many countries we have idiots claiming money does not bring happiness. Scientists proved it does and those with some savings feel more secure than those with an empty wallet and bank account.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Hmmmm πŸ€”, money and happiness goes in a separate ways, although having money or being rich is good, but money can not buy happiness.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have strong doubts about that. I know plenty of issues people deal with, I dealt with in my life and money would have solved it and that would have made me happy. Don't let us pretend as if money doesn't make us happy. Every user on is here for the money, to earn, to feel happier. Clearly, it helps if I read all those enthusiastic messages about what people earn.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Surely it’s not just money. Money is an important factor for sure but there can be things more fulfilling for people like really helping others out in times of need.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Most people don't help those in need because they are in need too. It's not just money but the article its topic is money not "1000 ways to make yourself happy if you have nothing to eat and you cannot pay your bills". The main problem is many think it's wrong to say money, some savings would make them feel happy as if " money" is a dirty word. Well, it's not for me. With money, I would live in a house with water. With money, I would not sit during winters inside with my coat and beanie on, with the money I could feed my children fruit and vegetables, with the money I could visit a doctor, with money my children could study too (just their high IQ won't get them at University).. Just a few examples.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

From my perspective, it depends on how's the one perceived money. Whether it is for buying pleasure, deception, profit motive or surviving, it really depends on individual personality and thought process. But on an average, if people see less money or gap between Rich and Poor people is too high, then money itself started as a source of happiness for most people. Because, they would be able to buy necessities that have created by this gap. This is what current situation is happening in today's world. So, more people are seeking money and expecting happiness.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Being poor always sucked. Already in fairy tales, this is a topic and the interesting thing is abandoning your children because you have no food is good if you are poor but bad if you are rich. Just like stealing and killing. If you are poor it's suddenly not a bad thing to do but called "smart".

To me it's simple. If you can not afford to buy food, pay your rent, or send your kids to school you are poor and for sure not happy or satisfied. (I am not talking about not being able to buy the latest iPhone, newest gaming computer, holidays on the Bahamas, a villa or yacht). Personally, I feel more secure too if I saved a bit and know in case of need I can use the saving box/pig.

Counting money makes me happy too but not if it's not mine. A job at a bank would not make me feel happy.

Thanks for sharing your view. πŸ‘

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree with first two points but I disagree on "Counting money makes me happy too but not if it's not mine. A job at a bank would not make me feel happy". It's all about perception of money. If it is yours, you feel happy and if not yours, you would treat money as like a commodity/thing. What you are trying to say is quantity of money that is in favour of yours..And supply of money is limited as controlled by top 1% wealthy people. And lets say you earn a lottery of $1 M, would that bring you 1M times happiness for long term? (as this would solve problems everything that are related to money). What I am trying to say is don't measure happiness in terms of Money. Happiness shouldn't depend on things rather source of inner richness of mind (kind of religious mind and not materialistic). There are many example of people who couldn't afford there basic necessities but still they sleep happily at night than top 1% wealthy people.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Actually, that is not what I am saying or had in mind. I had the experiment and outcome of the scientists in mind. They started counting money makes happy, no matter who's the money it is. They even stated it makes so happy it's a great painkiller. I counted my money, the money I save for my children but it doesn't feel the same. It didn't kill my pain either. A feeling of security is missing if you count money which isn't your and a job at a bank is one of the most boring ones I can imagine. πŸ˜‚

Might be you live in a different world like mine. Those many poor people who fall happily asleep... Do they need to pay taxes, are forced to a health insurance which costs 15% of their income? All those dying for hunger daily (30k a day since the lockdown) die happily?

$ 0.00
4 years ago

On each comment I had mention 1% wealthy people. For materialistic suffering, I blame this 1% wealthy people who owns +50% of world's net wealth. My point is economic inequality. Those country who follow Socialism Democratic (Norway, Denmark etc) are in top 10 happiness index according to UN Global Happiness Index. At the same time, Global Hunger Index also shows where economic structure of governance is fragile are in top index. Covid-19 situation happened to be recently and it count now as Natural disaster for humanity. Even before Covid-19, many people had died due to not having access to food. But, better governance and handling of Covid-19 could have save some life. But, most governments doesn't want to be that way as individual consciousness has been crushed due to lockdown and so does liberty. And at last, Liberty is a happiness.

$ 0.00
4 years ago