Life in NL
NL stands for the Netherlands and the Netherlands isn't the same as Holland. I could say my life started in the Netherlands but most of my childhood I spent in Holland. At least that is how it feels to me and this is why people from Holland speak it feels most familiar and like home.
Did I have a great life? Did I grow up in a safe environment? The answer is no. If you read a part of the 'kid's diaries' you have the answer the other part of the answer is: the Netherlands was not a great country to grow up in. Not for a child like me. A child with black and white parents. Parents who run away from home, who fought against family, society and each other. During my childhood, the only -most known- foreigners were gipsies and gipsies stood for thieves. It didn't matter how hard you tried in the neighbourhood I grew up different wasn't accepted. I, our family was different in every way. Skin colour, the way we dressed, the food we are, lifestyle. I can't blame anyone for disliking what is different since differences are threatening. This was not only during my childhood but still is today. The only difference with back then is the word 'discrimination' wasn't used. Today everyone spits it out, abuses it to get what s/he wants. It's the ultimate word to manipulate or to think you can manipulate people with. If you truly believe it works you can be wrong, very wrong. It all depends on where you live. City, village, north, east, south or the west part of the Netherlands. What you should know is that a real Dutchman doesn't like all the drama either to be manipulated. You can brag, show off as much as you like but it won't help you. "If you act normal you are crazy enough," is a Dutch expression. Keep it in mind, there's no need to exaggerate. Respect should be earned not expected.
Life in the Netherlands can be a good and great one if you live in the right place, area, house. If you have enough money to buy food, pay your bills, loans. I can not tell you how many people have a loan, debts but most likely most people have. If you buy a house need a loan it means you pay for it your entire life. No way you can pay it off within 10 or 20 years unless you are rich. Indeed rich people take loans too because it benefits them if it comes to paying taxes. Do I have loans, debts? The answer is: no. I'm raised in the old fashioned way. Safe money for what you want to buy first. Is it easy to get a loan? It depends on how many debts you have, how many obligations and you will always be registered at the BKR even if you only pay off a new cellphone.
Healthcare isn't great. The government no longer invests in it. Each year more and more hospitals are closed down. By the way, hospitals are private businesses which means just like every other business model they need to make a profit. It's forbidden to visit a hospital or the ER without the permission of your doctor first. You cannot just call an ambulance and without health insurance, you will be sued by the government and nowhere welcome. Health insurance costs about 100 euros a month. No dentist included, no medication included and for that amount per month you have a to paying risk of about 850 euros a year. So you pay 100 a month and after you paid this 850 euros the insurance company might pay. I say might since with insurances companies you never know. Just like the Dutch mail PostNL, providers, the media and governments you cannot trust them. More and more people never visit a doctor or dentist. Today it's luxury and even more luxury to find a doctor who hears what you say.
The level of teaching at schools and universities is getting lower and lower. From the age of 4 years old, you have to visit school. Kindergarten doesn't exist for about 30 years. I know what I learned and what each of my children is taught. A good reason to burst out in tears. Not only parts of history lessons are deleted but many teachers can hardly write proper grammar and count. Children hardly learn anything today which shows.
Keeping pets are common mainly dogs and cats. Indeed a dog owner pays taxes for his dog and indeed you have to clean up the dog's poop. In some villages, they are more fanatic than in others if it comes to suing you. The government started fighting pets 20 if not 30 years ago just like they fight a free day off, eating eggs, meat, raised the prices for juice, next water bought in shops and the taxes on every item you buy (food and drinks included) that isn't a basic need (indeed buying water in a shop is not needed to stay alive).
They say Dutch people are potato eaters true or? Can be the poor ate it for longer but most likely this idea is the result of a painting called: De aardappel eters. Dutch people weren't farmers only but fishermen and above that, they sailed around the world and imported other cultures their culinary habits included and indeed potatoes are one of these habits just like rice and many years later pasta and pizza. The population in big cities is diverse but if it comes to the capital city and harbours it always had been this way. Harbours are those places where foreigners gathered together and met. Today this isn't much different from 600 years ago. Tot many it might feel this way but it isn't. Over 2000 years ago the people -those who lived in what we call the Netherlands today- already travelled and were diverse just like the other Germanic people living in North and West Europe. Diverse and ruled by other countries. I guess that's what happens if you are too small to defend yourself and are mainly seen as a harbour, entry into other countries.
Life in the Netherlands can be a good one if you love a structured, controlled life and pay all the taxes and bills sent by the government, the city, insurances, and so on. It doesn't matter if you own or rent a house. You need to pay taxes over it. Next to that, you pay taxes to the city for the water, garbage collected, the dog and so on. You also pay tax once a year for the dykes. Not that they are well taken care of but that's how it works. By the way: the bigger your garbage container -there are three sizes- the more you pay. The container should be closed if not it will not be emptied. The lid of the container has a chip. No container? You might have to take your garbage away yourself. To use the underground container a few streets away you need a special card with a chip to open it.
Post offices no longer exist. Banks are rare just like ATMs. Although the credit card will hardly anywhere be accepted they try to force you to pay with your debit card. There are plenty of shops and with many, you can order online. How fast and if it will be delivered depends on PostNL. Their service is terrible, the postmen steal and parcels are not delivered or left behind somewhere without a note. Second-hand shops can be found in nearly every place but most of them became expensive. More expensive than when you buy something brand-new (guarantee included) but... there are also sites and shops where you can find what you need for free: furniture, tv's, stoves, clothes, and so won't just take a long or be on the other side of the country.
We have libraries but no phone boots. You can be a member of the road service but you need a cellphone to call them. Insurances can be easily taken by the internet. Several sites can help you to find the cheapest health, car, life or any insurance you need for or the best offer for gas and electricity. If you want to reply for a job you respond by the internet and fill out the questionnaire. Don't count on a job unless you are 16 years old and have 20 years of experience and are willing to work for free.
Poverty increases and will only increase. If you are willing to visit the real countries, meet the real people you might be shocked. If you have a closer look at the shopping carts, how people are dressed you know who is poor and who's not. Dutch people will not easily admit they are poor, don't have enough money to pay for the pile of bills. They skip meals, keep up appearances and keep their misery indoors because talking about it isn't done. There are ways to get help although you need to know them and some of these ways will only cause you more sorrow and higher debts. If you are not alert it will be hard to survive and it will be too if no one taught you how to manage your finances, how to save money first before you buy.
😁 I'm happy to see you accepted my suggestion.