Left On The Planet

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3 months ago

There was a big bang and that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. It was as if the light had been switched on and off within two seconds. As she opened her eyes she lay on her back in front of a barn. The sky looked green, as green as grass and she wondered. She blinked with her eyes, closed them and counted till then. There it was the blue sky, everything was back to normal.

Anyone in, helloooo?

She knocked at the door, peeped through the letterbox and climbed on a crate to look through the kitchen window. Ma'am, hello, are you home?

No one answered. The little girl tried the backdoor. It was open. She knew she wasn't allowed to enter a house without permission but she couldn't help it, she felt so thirsty. The house looked nice and clean but there was no one she could ask for the way back home. Hours she sat at the window but not a single person showed and as the night fell she slept on the floor in front of the cabinet.

At first, she waited for the owners but as no one showed she started to discover the farmhouse, and barns, climbed into the dove's nest, went on an adventure in the attic and started to look for food. At the time the pantry was empty she went out on the fields and discovered the richdom of Mother Nature. There was plenty of food but there wasn't a single living being. She kept herself busy, and how to farm and as the years passed by she realized she was left behind.

Moans came from the bookshelf. A book fell to the ground with a thud, surrounded by a cloud of dust.

How do you feel, asked a voice from above.

All right, no worries, it coughed.

The book opened with difficulty.

Finally air, how long have we been hiding?

Voices whispered, shouted and fell silent as the door opened.

A young woman picked up the book from the floor. She slowly turned the pages. She didn't seem to recognize a word.

There seems to be no one left on the planet, whispered a voice, aren't you lonely?

The marks on the paper danced before her eyes. She closed the book with a slam.


She looked around in surprise.

Help us and you will never be lonely again.

She saw something protruding between the closed book and pulled it with two fingers.

Arch, are you crazy, why don't you open that book!

Alarmed she stepped back as the book opened and a flood of glyphs and small figures poured out.

Are they gone, is it over?

What do you mean, she stammered. What flowed from the book surrounded her and seemed to have no intention of leaving.

The earthly beings of course.

A long white figure appeared before her eyes. We could have been dead.


Wiped out, that was a trend on Earth. So it's over, let's go back home. We no longer need that stale book, it's time for another story.

Vaguely she remembered a book from her forgotten childhood.

What's it about, she asked curiously. She had never learned to read.

The last farmer on the planet. There was a big bang and that was it...


Task: write a 550 fiction story about the last farmer on the planet. It contains a book, a story in it. Prompt: how do you feel.

Image: created by me - bing.com/create

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3 months ago
