It is easy for a police officer to be fooled or to slip up if it comes to writing down statements, making a file but in this case, something way more serious was done.
A man who reported his missing child was not heard, wiped out and so was the child by a dirty cop! About two weeks ago, a woman knocked on his door and asked for help. How unbelievable her story sounded to others he felt each word was true. The department was corrupt. He had met the sick officer who had "dealt with the drunk", asked around in the area and hospitals, and only more questions arose. His young colleague still watched the old gossip's house and the neighborhood.
The file on his desk became bigger every hour. The doctor who offered his help informed at colleagues, friends, hospitals, mental institutions and called or e-mailed every detail.
A missing person is not always reported but a found one, a trouble maker, someone with amnesia even a Jane Do would unless the girl was dead and the body not found yet.
Fidelo's phone beeped and he read the message:
Better hurry Jim is missing!
The disappearance of a child causes a lot of excitement in the authorities.
I hope they find him alive!