It's Gold

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Everything that glitters and catches my attention is valuable to me, said the magpie, grabbing a quick grain along the way. Only man thinks that gold makes you happy. I know better.

The nest was solid but richly filled with everything that glittered and glittered. The magpie was gilded with every little sparkly thing he found. From beads to pearls, keys, fireplace inserts, hooks and eyes, plastic sunglasses to a brightly colored piece of glass.

The magpie flew back and forth happily in search of what humans no longer cared about. She even called it junk, good only for the waste bin.

Soon the magpie had amassed so much that its glittering stash blinded even the sun.

Just turn a blind eye or hide behind a cloud if my possessions don't appeal to you, chirped the magpie who was busy making a second nest.

Up and down she flew over the water, which shimmeringly called out to her: Don't have the nerve to touch me, you ugly dick thief!

The magpie stared at the wrinkled surface in amazement. Who was it that spoke to her there? What glittered towards her from the bottom of the river?

It was as if she heard voices shouting: Grab me, grab me, we are here, we are here, grab me if you can.

It's not real, the magpie thought and flew away, she couldn't swim and had set her sights on a red coral necklace with a silver clasp. Sun, moon and street lamp made it shine red and silver. Magpie loved the light and even though she told the sun to hide, she couldn't wait for it to rise.

The red copper ball on the horizon charmed her. She pecked at it every now and then, but the ball remained elusive.

It's hard to collect everything that glitters, Magpie thought as she found a dime on its side. That was a wonderful find. There was even a head with a crown.

Happily, Magpie sat in her nest and looked out over the world full of possibilities, golden opportunities that were there for the taking if people would only seize them.Everything that glitters and catches my attention is valuable to me, said the magpie, grabbing a quick grain along the way. Only man thinks that gold makes you happy. I know better.


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