Introvert, extrovert or?

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3 years ago

They say you are shy and shy is not good?

They say you are dull and should open up, you are an introvert?

It can be but not necessary. Not being talkative doesn't mean you are an introvert you might simply not like the person who wants to chat with you or do not like gossiping.

They say a lot and most of what they say isn't true.

Introverts are no losers, they are intelligent and do add something, if not a lot, to the society. Security is a part of it. The world isn't a better place with only extroverts shouting and jumping around. It would be a terrible noise of overreacting people drinking energydrinks to keep going. People who won't live long and have a burnout at or even before they are 40 years old.

The extrovert is a doer, shouter, finds it hard to listen to someone else and has a hard time in thinking something over first. They are the first who respond and love the attention.

The introvert is a thinker, quiet, thoughtful, a good listener, and therefore will not respond at once.

This might sound like yin and yang but in reality, they do not fit.

The introvert gets tired of the extrovert who sucks all energy away. The introvert needs a break frequently, time to recharge, alone. They do not like any pressure. High sensibility is part of the introvert too. They are concentrated on their work and do not like to be disturbed. Their long term memory is amazing it just takes them a bit longer to absorb every information given. There's a good reason for it. Scientists discovered there's a difference between introverts and extroverts if it comes to the way the bloodstream takes through the brains. With introverts, this is more complexed.

Introverts are great observers, have the courage to make decisions no one likes to take and can tell a person exactly what the consequences are from steps taken.

The life of an introvert is hard.

Noisy classrooms, the impossibility to work alone in own pace and the pressure from parents, teachers, employers cause a lot of stress.

The good news is many people are not 100% introvert or extrovert. About 60% will be or end up somewhere in between. A part manages to fit a bit more into the society, the cattle. The introvert learns to speak out and the extrovert to be quiet at times.

Introverts are great writers. They can write what they can not say.

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3 years ago
