The word "tolerance" contains way more than what it is generally used for in the media. Search in your dictionary or on the internet and at least 25 different definitions show up. What exactly does tolerance mean? What does this frequently used word stands for?
Tolerance is an ability. The ability to endure. It is a capacity to endure pain for example or hardship, something you are not used to. It is what others expect from you, all of them (the society), doctors, family, employers, teachers... mainly to make their lives easier.
If you have zero-tolerance you are a burden to the society, the community you live in, the principles it set for the future, it's existence, the deals it made with others.
Tolerance stands for acceptance as well. Acceptance in each way one can think out. It's not about different habits and races only but differences in education, ideas, creativity as well. Tolerance starts with each living being (plants, animals included). The body and mind for example play a big role if it comes to acceptance, the possibility of acceptance. One (the body) can't do without the other (the mind)and what is possible to one can have high consequences to someone else. The fact is, no matter how much we want it or how hard our mind tries, we are not the same.
The word "tolerance" and "intolerance" in combination with illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria, and tumors for example, and medication is given as a cure, or in case of cancer to slow it down, is frequently used. Strangely enough, it is rarely the first definition thought of. Isn't good health, aren't body and mind important enough?
If a person (body) has a high tolerance it can endure a lot. An intolerance (allergic, averse response) on the other hand is not a good sign although the word as it might suggest something positive (immunity) just like tolerance for medication. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. In this case, "tolerance" means the medication (drugs) have no effect and the body or mind doesn't respond in the way as expected. The dose needs to be increased.
A strong will, willpower, the power of the mind can be of huge help if it comes to acceptance but it can be a reason for fighting medication as well.
I love your article bro....