Hey Girl, Are you a bad driver too?

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2 months ago


The Gentleman in traffic?
It's usually a Woman


The more people the more aggression

It's hard to tolerate everyone no matter how hard we try. Agresssion, the real personality shows if driving a car, is what they say here.
Every drivers picks his favourite brand of car and it's interesting to see that with certain behaviour or posture the choice for a vehicle is seems to be set in stone.
Opel, Mercedes, BMW and Audi drivers are 'known' for their driving style. I can tell you it's not flattering if you drive one of those cars but most likely the drivers don't care.

Jeder Popel fährt ein Opel - Jeder Raudi fährt ein Audi are two examples and trust me they are not based on women.

My grandmother was 50+ years old

as she started with driving lessons. She passed the first time so not 17x trying like some people. It helped her and gave her the freedom since my grandfather died and her youngest was in a boarding school at the other part of the country.

In the Netherlands it's normal to start with driving lessons. It is necessary just like visiting school, knowing how to swim and bicycle.

Traveling an hour to go to your working place is normal. I drove over 100 kilometres. An employer will ask if you have the license so it's part of the CV.
Public transport is expensive so owning a car more need than luxury if you do not live in one of the capital cities.

Are women bad drivers?

My question is are men bad drivers? The average driver is bad. Ignoring the rules, not able to get on and off the highway or passing by another car, the scold, curse, push you off the road and show the middle finger and truly believe they are the bestvdriver of all. I wonder how their partner feels sitting next to mister Brag Aggression. For sure it would not make me feel save and I would step out of the car.
The present situation? Most drivers, mainly male, will not keep their license if they would have to do the exam again. If a woman can walk, sit, do all the house chorus, if she can carry the groceries and three children, can transport them all by bike there's no reason to believe she can't learn how to drive. In average women are more careful and they drive safer.

Most accidents are caused by men.

If men drive more than women is questionable. In most cases both have a car but if they leave together he drives in most cases. If he's drunk she does. So did I long before I had my license.
If I go out with a friend he always asks me to drive in his car. It relaxes him and he doesn't think in terms of male and female. He is German and just like me he was taught to be polite, greet women first and not ignore them like the average Hungarian men does (their wives drive but are also the hard workers - some are the only workers while the husbands spent 24/7 in a pub drinking and complaining).

Remarks made about women behind the steering wheel

is made by men only, just like bad jokes about mothers in law, lazy wives, women can't do maths or are too stupid to think.
It's interesting how insecurity change men into mean persons. Or did they already had a bad personality?

Insurance companies know better

an insurance for women is cheaper than for men. It's fantasy men are better drivers.
The same counts for insurances for certain brands of cars, that specific car that makes tiny men feel like giants. The companies know out of experience that certain vehicles in combination with gender and age are higher ranked on the ladder of serious accidents.

My friend is a great driver. She drives a truck and taught all her children and by now each one of them is a truck driver as well.

How about me?
I easily drive 17-20 hours to arrive at the destiny.
Lately I drive less because my youngest two need the experience. Onecan only be a good driver after many kilometers per year under different circumstances (season, day, night, being exhausted, on different roads and in different countries. A good driver is someone who can oversee thebtraffic, calculate and forsee what other traffic participants will do and is able to react fast under all circumstances. It's not about who never makes a mistake but how to correct it without bringing otherd in danger.

If you can only drive a landroad, never drove on crowdy highways with speeds of 130-180 kilometers you lack experience. If you want to pass your exam with us they let you drive on the highway and you drive where they tell you to go. Those highways shown on the pictures are part of the exam. One friend of my passed but since that time never takes them again because she's scared to death.

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2 months ago
