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3 months ago

Fridge or trunk?

The choice is easily made we don't need any of them. Both will only cost money, it's a crime to clean them and the soon smelly expensive equipment will be hated.

It might come at hand, he suggested while his eye fell on a brand he never heard of before. No idea if it's good but look at all the luxury it shows. With the door in his hand, he looked at the luxury inside. Room for eggs, cheese, a water container, fruits, vegetables, meat. Even your juice has room in this one.

Excited he pulled out the drawers. He already saw visions of the double-door refrigerator being filled. Ellen, look they have thought about everything, it comes with a touchscreen and there's some...

Hello, I am Fri-B+, what can I order for you?

I dunno, a beer perhaps.

Please, let me scan your credit card and fill out your citizen service number or let me scan your QR-ID if you...


Ellen looked mad. Where have you been and what are you doing with that scamming machine? No way we'll buy a fridge interfering with our private businesses.

Let me scan your QR ID, please.

Shut off and Ben, close the door! I know what we will be taking.

A mad Ellen wasn't a good sign but the fact she agreed to buy one was a good start.

Here it is.

Her face shone. The design was out of the 80s and far from attractive.

What the heck, had she become mad?

Dear, this isn't the latest invention, imagine how much energy it will need.

It's good enough. She grinned. We did so far without and it didn't stop you from eating or drinking.

She tapped at his stomach and continued: this one is for emergencies only. Look at that space. Do you think it fits into the car? I am afraid if we wait too long someone else might take it.

She stood in front of the freezer and smiled. No touch buttons but just a switch to put it on and off. I read the manual and you never guessed it but this freezer is faster than those modern freezers and it uses by far not as much KwH as thought. This is the one Ben. Come on have a look inside.

How can she be so enthusiastic about a piece of tech that's not high-tech at all? Why all the cheering about vintage and trash that should have been ages ago labelled as garbage?

Come on, take your shoes off and hop in. Let's find out if it's the right size. You have about the same size as that slaughtered pig we saw a few weeks ago at the fair. Meat will get rare soon enough.

I doubt that's allowed.

A salesman approached the couple and looked from one to another. The lady held the deep freezer open and seemed to wait till the man decided to... He better interfered before the situation became weird and they left without buying anything.

It's German quality, decent and strong, no cheap plastic and you'll see the footprint you leave behind will be zero if you decide for this model.

Ben hesitated. Are you sure, he asked.

Definitely, feel free to try it. It's 300 litres and good for a weight of 250 kilograms.

Well, what do you think, are you comfortable?

Does it come with baskets, she liked to know.

Yes, ma'am even with an extra floor if you, well you know.

I read the manual, thank you. Do you deliver?


She closed the lid, it locked automatically.

Within the hour the salesman said as she handed over the note with her address.

Picture: AI-generated by me

I used Canva for the header

Prompt: freezer


$ 0.00
Avatar for wakeupkitty
3 months ago
