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4 years ago

How creative can one be? Some of us have one interest and great skill. Others seem to be talented if it comes to nearly everything. What about me? As a child, I was sure I am not creative at all. People around me, parents, teachers, made that clear. I never played with dolls not understood why little girls made those weird voices and pretend the (Barbie) doll was speaking. I liked cars but girls and cars seem not to be allowed.

Creativity was not stimulated in my family. The profession which came with it was not accepted, not seen as good enough. And I? I didn't want to be a doctor. I don't feel the need to care 24/7. I knew myself, my illnesses, and the fact I need sleep, piece and I am not a people's person.

I never became a sculpture although art was what I did my exam. I never became a painter or photographer. School at that time wasn't different from now. You can study and practice it but the school doesn't stimulate you to make a job out of it. "You better get married and have children", some professions said at the profession seminar we visited with the school. Old fashioned men were present, not willing to give you a chance.

My heart still cries I didn't become a sculpture, do what I like most. I still hear my aunt say " you can make something out of bread dough..."

Yes, I can. I can bake a bread and cookies too but it isn't the same. It is not.

Now I know I am creative. Creativity comes in many ways. I am a writer and my mind is creative enough to come up with something, to find solutions, to make something out of nothing. My parents, those teachers, they were all wrong and I should have never listened to their advice because it is me who still pays the price after all those years. My heart still cries.

I truly believe creativity is the solution to our problems.

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$ 0.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
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4 years ago


Thanks you writer and , your mind is creative enough to come up with something, to find solutions, to make something out of nothing. Good.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Taj
4 years ago

I hope it is by so far I managed to think out something but that doesn't mean I don't like to have it the easy way at times too. Thanks for commenting.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank yo @wakeupkitty for sharing your article by 'The Creative World' community. I think you will make this Community great. So that I selected you as a moderation for this Community. And yes, don't forget to share your creative thoughts with us.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

It is a bit unclear to me what kinds of articles you are looking for so I gave it a try with this. Thanks for asking me, it's a topic I like and let's see if others will join.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Creativity can be in many forms. In writing, drawing, singing, and even in the way a person can imagine things. It's not that you are not creative. You are, but sometimes we don't notice that we are good at something until someone tells us we do.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I agree. For long I thought I was not creative at all just because of what others said. The reality turned out to be different.

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4 years ago

Yes. Only the people who really appreciates your work could see the creativity in it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You can do better using that creativity

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4 years ago

Creativity does not have specific things to do (for example art), creativity is diverse . We all have creativity, some didn't notice it. I agree with you, you are very creative when it comes to writing that your spot. As for me, I don't know yet where my creativity lies 😆

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Thank you. Perhaps you are great in many things, creative if it comes to saving money, comfort people, managing your time. I am not good in one thing. It's what I always say. Not one great talent but I can and do like a lot and know now I have a creative mind. Think different than most do which is positive too. A least for me.

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4 years ago