Costs of energy

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As a subscriber to an investment newsletter, I received a link to a podcast about energy. I decided to listen while making semolina pudding, kneading dough, straining cherry liqueur, and doing the dishes. Energy was discussed in the broadest sense of the word.

The fact: by now we, the world population, used 50% of all petroleum reserves in the world. In 1859 the first petroleum well was used in 1970 the wells were already over their peak (in the 50s this was told about the US wells people laughed about it but it became true)!

The oil left is harder to get, of lower quality and will be more expensive. The world won't be complete without oil from today on but we should ask ourselves if we should keep burning it so easily (to generate energy) as we do today.

The biggest consumers of petroleum in Belgium are not those who drive a car or heat their homes during the winter but are the:

1. Industry

2. Construction

3. Agriculture

Transit (personal) is only 8-9% of the total consumption of petroleum.

Everything you do, what is done (by machines, others), and what you buy and use costs energy. This energy is not measured in calories or kilojoules, but in petroleum, in barrels of petroleum.

At least 90 million barrels of petroleum are needed worldwide per day. It is difficult for me to imagine that number.

Did you know the average American consumes 57 barrels of petroleum (one barrel is 158 liters = 1700 KWH) per year? In 2020 America already had more than 332 million.

By the way, America is not the country with the most inhabitants, nor the country that produces the most (industrially). Most production has been outsourced and that means that everything has to be bought to keep the people alive. In that respect, this is not much different from most countries in the world. Those who have nothing have to buy it or do without it if there is no money or if other countries are boycotted. You can find out for yourself how the boycotted countries have fared (Cuba, Venezuela for example, and now Russia and China might be the next).

Since this article is about energy I like to make clear that all energy is expressed in barrels of petroleum. A barrel of petroleum currently costs about 90 dollars (one barrel replaces 4.5 years of the energy a human can produce by working 8 hours a day), so it is a huge amount that is being spent (but also saved by replacing people) but dollars easily be printed if it is not available which countries although, printing money causes inflation and the inflation is unstoppable.

Apart from the many provoked wars and countries that have been looted, the amount of petroleum is not infinite.

Of course, it is true that oil is a biological product that nature produces itself, but this takes millions of years! What the earth has made in millions of years has almost been used fast between 1859 and today. Asking to increase the number of barrels of oil per day (which Biden asked Saudi Arabia) is not the solution because these oil reservoirs will not refill themselves and the country itself needs oil to make seawater usable as drinking water. To be honest I would not give in or anything to a country that never respected me. Incidentally, the transit of oil costs energy too, and energy is again petroleum.

Whoever provokes wars with other countries (countries with raw materials that you desperately need) and those who support these wars (even if only tacitly) should not think that if the need arises, he will be helped out by the country that he slanders for years and call a nemesis. Centuries of defamation propaganda and hate speech will avenge themselves.

The tables are turning.

Everything will be different for the once rich America and its slaves (the Western countries). Let's say their golden age is over and another country or continent now has this honor.

It's no surprise if it turns out this way.

Every change started with a crisis obscured by a 5-10 year war. War is the best distraction (good business) and once it ends nobody talks about how governments ruined the country, betrayed its inhabitants, and sold them to the highest bidder.

The best lie always has a small kernel of truth.

The truth of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, and his army of followers who rule countries worldwide is that they have known for at least 50 years that the world runs out of energy. Instead of reducing the consumption or put it at a hold, they increased it.

Green energy? It's a joke, a big lie.

Anyone who seriously believes that windmills and solar panels fall under clean energy and that they can help save the high use of petroleum will be disappointed. Both, windmills and solar panels, are major polluters and the production costs consume more energy (i.e. barrels of petroleum) than they will bring us, not to mention the transport, the whole system behind it to keep everything operational, and the increasing mountain of (toxic) waste with which the world is being overloaded. The so-called green energy is absolutely not green. The production of wind turbines and solar panels cannot even take place with green energy and if this will ever be possible is questionable. At this moment all this "green" energy is not even good for 5% of what is used. This means that this form of energy, which also causes major damage to the landscape, has no future.

Leaving a light bulb switched off, taking a cold shower once a week, and leaving the car en masse will only save the average citizen money, just like stopping buying what we don't need and too often disappears in a cupboard or the waste bin. Investing in a brand new fridge, washing machine, or electric car while your old ones still do the job is a huge waste of energy (petroleum!) and for sure not good for your CO2 footprint if you should care about that at all.

Who knows how many products are returned at Amazon and next thrown away, who spends a week at the garbage dump watching how many trucks take over there, visits the car scrap yard or the old iron collector knows how bad our shopping sick behavior and throw-away society is.

Literally, everything we see, no matter if it's old or new, has a price tag on it. The price tag of petroleum, those barrels of oil we need so badly to be able to live the life we ​​are used to and preferable to a more luxurious lifestyle.

The WEF might have come up with the solution for the lack of energy, those empty petroleum reservoirs.

By now it is a fact the USA, UK, and EU can no longer count on extra barrels 0(well, they could if they wanted since Russia is willing and able to deliver but the governments rather let their population die than admit they are wrong).

WEF's solution?

"You will own nothing and be happy."

How to achieve that? If no one owns (demands, buys) less energy will be used to produce (hopefully more than that 10% the plebs consumes) but for sure the lives of most of us will change.

What a pity it is that minimalism and simple lifestyles have not been propagated since the 70s. This would have made the reduction of energy today a lot easier.

In the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, shops were closed on Sundays and closed at 6 pm in my country. In the 1970s there was a car-free Sunday and everyone participated in that too. We didn't feel limited and unhappy.

Although it was already known at that time that the petroleum reservoir was getting empty fast, the world increased its need for petroleum and consumed more and more. New, supposedly better products, were promoted by factories, and governments and we people had to buy them no matter if we could afford just to fit in. Being in debt became common.

This should have been made impossible but instead of reducing our massive consumption and use what we have, everything needed to be replaced by... petroleum. Iron, coal, bricks, stone, paper, porcelain, pottery, cotton, linen, silk, wood, aluminum you name it, it all been replaced by plastic. Petroleum consumption grew and grew and not just because the world's population increased. New inventions and new markets were sought to sell all these products. The smell of money didn't stink back then and doesn't today it only made/makes the rich richer. Those rich who never cared about a CO2 footprint, all those mountains of garbage, health, nature, and animal life. So there's no reason to believe they are seriously concerned today and care about nature and people. Life doesn't matter no matter the color of your skin or gender and the weapon industry increased, while jets fly and rokets are send up into the sky as if all this isn't a waste of energy.

It should be clear by now that CO2 registration is planned. No, it isn't a conspiracy theory based on co-vi-d 19. Many (online) shops and banks already take part in it and soon all consumers will be judged by what they consume and how they behave. Your central bank digi-coin controlled by the governments is on the way.

You might agree that the polluter should pay but in reality, the (bulk) consumer is punished and pays. The question is whether this, the CO2 passport, is the solution to reduce energy (petroleum) consumption. After all, the average world citizens together do not even consume 10% of all energy consumed (the mega-rich are not included and they will not sit in the dark or cold, they will continue drinking their whiskey or wine and eat steak. They will not live off-grid and stop using their private jets instead of traveling 20 minutes by car or better using public transport or walk. They will celebrate their good life and not publish their long list of over consumption of energy.

According to the interviewed expert - who has been studying the energy crisis for 15 years - the solution is difficult and unclear. Saving energy can be useful but the question is how to achieve this without entire nations collapsing which will happen if we save and the industry collapses.

I can only think of putting a hold on the increasing production (forbidding the industry to increase their production) and putting a hold on the construction industry.

Another solution is the same one that the WEF, the Eugenics, is in favor of which is the drastic reduction of the world population, and for that, the C19 shot seems to work excellently. The excess mortality is now +700% and many of our elderly have already been killed in 2020 with injections, a mix of pills, and the government's refusal to take them to the hospital. Whether it was smart to start with this group of people who already have everything and are satisfied with what they have and will die soon anyway, is questionable but since by now all population groups are involved (heart failures, cancer, autoimmune diseases, blood clots, infertility, and so on) and the birth rate worldwide has fallen by 30% the jab does the job.

This so-touted injection taken to protect oneself, the elderly, that jab that would not change your DNA works and turns out to be a golden shot. We can thank Bayer for that (they bought doctors and hospitals) and Fauci as well.

Many more will die from this injection in the coming years, and the next (not even tested injection) is already waiting to be used within a month. Let's see what life will look like to those still alive in three till five years.

It feels ambivalent when you consider that governments en masse are allowing the population to be guinea pigs for an experiment that makes people drop dead, but pretend suicide and abortion are disgraceful and should be severely punished and banned.

Why not let governments (those WEF-puppets) play open cards and provide people with the Dion pill for free? Anyone who wishes to die can end his life in a voluntary basis and humane way. No need to talk to a shrink first, no need to stress, no more consumption or waste of energy. There's no need to get old, live forever, or believe that is what governments want for us. Quality is all that counts and quality is a personal feeling.

If people can end their life freely and easily all those experimental polluting, environmentally unfriendly injections are no longer necessary. There will be fewer sick, depressed people, and thus the remaining doctors, care providers, and hospitals will be relieved if not empty. Society might be happier and willing to improve life differently by using its calories instead of burning petroleum we have to buy and need to beg other countries for.

A world with fewer people means less pollution since the industry and construction will produce less and therefore those big consumers will save automatically.

It will be a less aggressive world (the consequences of aggression again costs energy) if we no longer live close to each other and feel annoyed by every noise the neighbor makes, assaulted about everything, or feel we are forced to buy the latest high-tech device.

What will the world look like if you start quarreling with your neighbor who you know will always be there and who you need badly?

The answer can be found in the current war(s) where the boycotted and exiled neighbor thrives because he owns everything and is used to hardships while the other neighbor, unwilling to confess his wrongs and crimes, yells, demands, stamps his feet like a spoiled child, and while setting his food on fire, whines, and clamors for more and more money but still sinks further and further into his quicksand. Drama queens, big mouths will not win this war.

The world is heading out of easy, cheap petroleum and you and I can't change much about that since it's a fact. It's smart to drastically reduce our expenses though and do as much as possible ourselves. We can use our calorie intake (food and drinks) as energy instead and be happy if we still know how to live a life in an "old-fashioned" way.

A fact by the way isn't a problem that can be solved with a solution. We have to accept that the neverending supply of petroleum ends. What is not in our vicinity or our possession, that what can't be borrowed is no longer possible in the nearest future. It doesn't mean we have to give up on everything but that those who consume too much energy, who depend on it too much, their life(style) will change. It might sound bad but I can imagine it can turn into something good. We people might need each other again and being needed makes us friendlier, happier, and less lonely.

It is a fact the oil reservoirs are getting empty, there is no doubt about it although not even 90% of all energy is consumed by the common man.

The industry and economy do not have to be put on a hold.

Much of what machines do, humans can do too. The food we feed our body with provides calories and that is the energy that can be used instead for labor, production, transport, and so on. Instead of sitting around, watching fake news, and gaining weight, we can be productive.

Keep in mind that technology was meant to take the heavy work off our hands. Instead of just doing that, production has been ramped up and that's exactly the problem. Enough is enough.

By the way, leaving the car at home doesn't even have to be a problem when there's no more gas. We can walk, cycle, or ride a horse or donkey. We can use horses and carriages, the ox, dog or pushcart. It really wasn't all that long ago when this way of living was quite normal for most of us just like going to the grocery store where nothing was prepackaged but you bought the amount of sugar, tea, soap and so on you really needed only. Would it be so bad to live that life again?

$ 1.55
$ 1.55 from @TheRandomRewarder


Sheesh... What an interminable stream of wild speculation presented as truth. Well done, I might have to try this sometime.

$ 0.00
1 year ago