Complaining parents

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3 years ago

Some parents deal a lot with it. Some children always seem to have snot on their faces.
Dirty dripping noses are not attractive. Not for the child, not for the parents, not for teachers and not for society. Some children always have it and they cannot help it, at times it is even green that runs out of one nostril. It makes you wonder if parents never wipe it off and if something can be done against it. It can't be a healthy thing.

Allergies can cause it.
Allergies like hay fever and if hay fever doesn't cause it has to be something else. A visit to the doctor's office might help to figure out what is wrong. If the snot is green and thick the child has an infection and an infection deserves attention. An ear infection is easily caught and cause damage to the hearing and with children their teeth.

I am a lucky person.
I wiped more bottoms as one can count. I dealt with poop, pee, vomit, and bleeding noses but never with children with a never-ending running nose. That's good for me because I do not like it and I do not like to clean a nose and face hundreds of times a day. Perhaps I would send my child outside too to play so I don't need to see it and other moms can wipe it off or the teacher?

I read a headline.
"Parents are angry because children with running noses are at school".
I assume this article has to do with the coronavirus again since everything has these days. The coronavirus is the perfect scapegoat for governments and nations who do not want to have a closer look at themselves.
Before we forget there's more going on in the world than this virus. A virus that still didn't kill as many people worldwide as other viruses, wars, hunger do and the lockdown does. We have the flu, can catch a cold, the smoker's cough, Sjögren disease, asthma, bronchitis, allergies...

You can't blame everything on the Coronavirus.
By far not each sniffing person has Covid-19 and spreads it. Many if not most of those running noses are caused by hay fever, smokers, pollution, dust, and dirt. The number of people, children included, with hay fever increases year after year. It's not pollution in the first place but trees and grasses that cause it and we are surrounded by it. If not the wind will blow it from abroad. Air conditioners are dirty devils too.

Believe me, allergies are no fun.
Not for adults, not for children, not for the parents of children who suffer from it. An allergy like hay fever always starts unexpectedly, makes you feel sick within five minutes' time.
Continues sneezing, a running nose, breathing issues, infected eyes, and the impossibility of sleep are symptoms and results of it. All those medication, nose sprays, tablets, do not help, neither does the homeopathic stuff nor do granny's tips. The autoimmune system is always busy, too busy.
Allergies make one feel as sick as a dog. Those children suffering from it would love to stay at home and in bed but they like to have a life too.
The fact is they hardly have one. Allergies, these types of allergies, will never go away. You have to deal with it and find a way to live and function with it.

Children need to visit school, adults have to show up at work.
It's the law, the contract and it always been that way. If parents tell the school or the employer being sick makes it impossible to come they still want you to show up.
"Sick you can be in your own time", is what they say.
Who knows the Coronavirus-mystery is good for at least fighting this (plus it's a great excuse if you are not in the mood) and not being sacked or scold at. With the virus, people fear you.

"If you are ill you stay in bed. If you can go outside, have fun you are not sick", that's how whole generations were raised. Flu, a virus, pandemic, never mattered, the world population only increased.

Children with running noses should not visit the school?
Personally, I think it depends on what causes it. A child can feel perfectly well at home and outside and the running nose, watery eyes can start at school. That's exactly what happened with one of my children. It always starts in the school building, the classroom. Washing powder causes it too which means it starts in the shop.

Why do some parents care now and never cared before?
We all know schools are the best place to get ill. As soon as a child joins school (a playgroup or kindergarten) the misery starts. Colds, chicken-pox, lice, flu after flu, measles, et cetera. It has always been clear that many people sticking together is not a great idea but we still do it and many even love it.

Each year people die of the flu and no one cares. If there wasn't a lockdown we wouldn't care now either. What doesn't affect us won't kill us.

I have no respect for "complaining" parents.
Frequently there are only a few who do and suddenly the media makes them speak for all parents of the nation. I have no respect for the media either. This is not news but making up news.
Let's be honest most parents are not a full-time parent. They work, are absent and children go to daycare, granny, the neighbor, or are after school they are outside or home alone. Once home parents see their children for 2-3 hours a day at most.
Many fulltime parents do not see their children much either. Especially not if the children visit a school and make homework in their room or play outside. Parents at home are busy too or do not care.
Most of those complaining parents are hypocrites who raise their children with unhealthy junk food, smoke in their presence, they rarely kept their child home if it said it didn't feel well, coughed or had a running nose and didn't teach it to wash hands not even after a toilet visit and before every meal. Do those parents suddenly care about the possibility of getting infected with a virus?

Parents good for you to know:
- We are surrounded by viruses, bacteria, and all kinds of insects, animals, and plants that can make us sick and even kill us. Even dirty water and the food you give can.
- Most people do not have the coronavirus.
- About 10% is immune to it (by now more).
- Most of the weak and elderly died already. Main reasons: a lack of health care, a huge lack of vitamins, minerals, healthy food over the years, overweight and all those diseases overweight causes.
- The virus is mainly spread inside, it's airborne. Ventilating is necessary! Keeping distance outside is enough.
- People who do not have symptoms are not spreading it.
- Weak people are not elderly people only but are everyone who had an organ donation, who is on meds, and who is overweighted! So get on a diet as soon as possible and start eating a little bit and eat healthily. Stop smoking and poisoning yourself and others. You need Vitamine C, zinc, iodine, vitamin D3, and way more than you think.

Most likely all people get sick one day and we all die.
The biggest threat to society is adults. Dirty, drunk, smoking, partying, wasting adults. Each time a party goes on there's a virus outbreak. The highest amounts of ill people are under religious groups and this is not because God punishes them but because they do not care. It is not snot that kills but being overcrowded with dirty, overweighted people.

Complaining parent, when was the last time you washed your hands, brushed your teeth, and cleaned your house properly, and cooked a decent meal?

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3 years ago
