A Silver Moon

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Avatar for wakeupkitty
4 months ago

Who are you two?

Dragon was walking in the forest when she bumped into a strange duo.

I am Little Red Riding Hood, said the girl, and this is the big bad wolf.

Good day madam, said the animal, how are you. Isn't the moon bright tonight? I hope we haven't disturbed your evening walk.

You're polite for a bad wolf, Dragon said cheerfully. She was not too concerned with etiquette and happily stomped through life just like her cousin the elephant who was left behind in the porcelain cabinet.

What are you doing out so late? Shouldn't you be in bed, child?

I'm not a child old dragon and the big bad wolf is my hubby. If he goes out, I go with him. The full moon is a good time to...

Howl at the moon, said the wolf, looking contentedly at the human child at his side.

Howl at the moon?

Dragon had never heard of such a habit before, the story sounded made up on the spot to her.


With a curse and a sigh, the giant wolf appeared before the pair.

It's getting busy in our forest, he growled, what are these two doing here?

Howl at the moon, Dragon says, and this here, she pointed to the child, is the wife of this big bad wolf over here. She giggled.

Really? Woof and Dragon looked at each other and burst out laughing. A good joke Dragon thanks for sharing it but how do we get rid of this couple?

The forest belongs to everyone, stomped Little Red Riding Hood, get lost, you bunch of overgrown monsters.

Please calm down my love, soothe the bad wolf, you don't know who we are dealing with. Before you know it they will be able to drink our blood. Let us leave and live together in peace...

Genius, Woof interrupted, stop that nonsense, this is our forest. Private, not intended for earthly beings with an expiration stamp printed on their backs.

How dare you, the child shouted.

I like your cape, Dragon said cheerfully, just as red as I am. I have a friend who would love it. With her claw, she punched the cape through the air and growled: Get out, stupid blonde, and take that wolf of yours with you before I eat you both.

The pair ran off as if the devil was on their heels.

How cute, look at them running, Dragon giggled. How about that howling at the moon, are you into it?

Silly, Wolf growled, I've never done it before, why should I? I don't think those two were up to anything good.

He stared at the silver moon dropping its rays on the forest. The moon looked uninhabited.

Come on, time to surprise Little Vampire. He's probably hanging out here somewhere.

Vampire I have a present for you, let's celebrate your birthday, Dragon yelled.

With a poof, out of nowhere, a little boy stood under the moonlight.

I was just looking for food, nice to have you here.

His face beamed as Dragon placed the cape in front of him.

It's the best present ever, he said, now I look like you.

Dragon blushed. She looked enraptured at the little vampire wrapped in a red cape. This was the foundling she had brought back to the forest, his rightful inheritance. He looked happy.

Let's eat cake and blow candles, Dragon said, and play hide and seek, Woof suggested, but you two aren't allowed to fly.

And you two don't just disappear, Dragon added.

The night was young, the forest bathed in a silver light and the three monsters, the dragon, the vampire and the wolf were having a lot of fun together.

Thank you Dragon, said the little vampire as the sun took over from the moon, this is the best birthday ever. I'm glad you're my friends. Take this with you, said Woof with emotion, he pushed a small parcel to the boy. The white cloth was partly coloured red.

I don't consume blood, the boy said.

And I'm not howling at the moon, Woof replied calmly, these are cassis berries, you'll like them. Sorry some of them got crushed.

Thank you.

Before they could count to ten the little vampire was gone, only his pet bat was still fluttering in the distance.

Time to go home Woof, I could use a nap too. Who knows, WuK will be home again today.

They said goodbye at the clearing in the forest. Dragon flew south and Wolf was gone in a flash before dawn.

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4 months ago
