An effective motivational way to increase productivity.

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Topics: Motivation

What is motivation?

Motivation refers to the motivation or motivation to do something, and it means the driving force to move towards a goal. “Motivate” in English means “stimulate, motivate”, and in Korean it is commonly used in various expressions such as “stimulation, induction, cheating, motivation to learn, motivation”.

Motivation has a significant impact on the productivity of an organization. Motivation is also an important challenge for companies, as employee morale drops and the performance of the entire organization decreases if they are not motivated. Motivation, an important task for both organizations and individuals, can be effectively managed, and in this article we will present strategies to maximize motivation.

What is motivation management?

Motivation is an emotion, so there can be differences in the degree of motivation from person to person, but effective motivation management can increase productivity and feel a sense of accomplishment at work. To run a business effectively, it is important to steadily manage motivation so that motivation does not disappear depending on the mood and environment of the day.

Motivation management takes into account both intrinsic motives arising from satisfaction with actions and extrinsic motives that give greater value to external rewards, but for effective motivation, a corporate system and culture must be prepared that can support this.

First of all, for extrinsic motivation, a staffing system, such as a promotion or reward system, must be established and motivation management as efficient as possible when adequate compensation for performance is guaranteed. On the other hand, the core of intrinsic motivation is motivation and a sense of accomplishment, and it is important to successfully manage intrinsic motivation to have a corporate culture that can fully praise performance. Jobseekers need to ensure that the company they are applying for has a sufficient system and corporate culture to manage employee motivation and that through motivation management they can achieve sustainable growth.

Business downturn reasons

In a highly competitive working life, workers experience a slump, resulting in a decline in morale and loss of motivation to work. There are many reasons why office workers are in recession, but in particular, what is the reason for a recession at work lacking motivation and focus at work?

Examples of slumping office workers

One of the reasons many office workers are in recession is the feeling that they did their best and did not receive a fair assessment or did not receive the expected compensation. Without a sense of achievement and recognition, employee morale can decline and motivation to work can be lost. The same is true when the pressure on productivity is severe or when you take on work that is outside of your professional competence. In addition, morale can drop if you feel that you have been treated unfairly while working or that you have violated your boss's expectations.

Psychological pressure

Excessive boss involvement is also a major contributor to morale decline. The involvement of the boss reduces responsibility for the task and reduces the employee's desire for achievement, which makes it difficult to motivate in an environment where working methods are controlled. In addition, a recession at work can occur when you feel that your work environment is irrelevant to your personal growth, for example, you feel that you are interested in a particular job, but you cannot take on the job that interests you in your current job. or they don't trust you.

How loss of motivation and recession affects work

Loss of motivation to work will have a long-term negative impact on employees and companies.

Negative business impact

An employee recession is the first thing that leads to a decrease in work efficiency and can lead to a decrease in productivity. A downturn in membership negatively affects the organization and can spread to the entire organization, which is a negative corporate culture. Moreover, stagnation in the corporate culture reduces loyalty to the company, so talented people often leave. In a situation where corporate competition intensifies and the acquisition of great talent is important, the turnover of excellent employees can be a big loss for the company, so it is necessary to carefully consider the number of employees in advance.

Negative impact on personality

Downturns can also be a major contributor to poor productivity. In a state of low motivation, the speed of work is slow and it is difficult to achieve good results. If a workflow is reflected in a staff appraisal, it can be difficult to rate the process positively, even if it went well. During a recession, interest in work diminishes, so a new job is easily considered a burden and it is difficult to find a new job. Since recessions can be physically burdensome for people, it takes an effort to get out of recessions through self-motivation.

How to effectively motivate you

Keeping your employees motivated and stable is very important not only for the company, but also for individual employees. The following is an introduction to domestic policies that effectively motivate.

Using employee training

To effectively motivate employees, it is recommended to understand the growth needs of each employee and implement training programs to strengthen their competencies. Identifying and supporting the needs of employees seeking career advancement or professional development can help maintain a high level of motivation in their daily work. It is also a good idea to regularly review the career plans of each member and take actions such as assigning related tasks or assigning them to appropriate departments. Expanding employee training can drive company growth by increasing company loyalty and laying the foundation for employee growth.

Creating an inspiring team culture

Creating an atmosphere in which team members inspire each other is also a key employee motivation strategy. Even if a participant makes a mistake or has difficulty, if you have a colleague who supports you, you may be tempted to overcome the difficulty and try again. In organizations dominated by criticism, morale is more likely to decline because individual team members do not share concerns or fight alone, and re-motivating fallen employees is not easy. If you often work alone, it's a good idea to build a team that shares hobbies outside of work. If you create a culture of encouragement and team building with a sense of belonging through in-house events, club events, and study groups, workplace communication can also be facilitated.

Motivation method to improve labor efficiency

Some tasks may be motivating and others may not, making it difficult for participants to be motivated for all tasks. Motivational work includes elements that can be recognized by others or satisfy a sense of accomplishment through work, so after successful work, expectation of results can motivate you to work.

However, in a business situation, you cannot always choose the tasks that interest you, so inevitably you can take on tasks that are not motivated. How can you get a boost for tasks that are less motivated to work? Below we will talk about ways to improve your work efficiency.

Give it meaning

If you set goals and give meaning to your work, you can lead with a sense of responsibility. Defining what a given task means in your career and understanding your future as a professional will help you enjoy your current job. Once you've achieved your business goals, it's a good idea to take time to praise and reward your efforts, such as buying yourself a gift to compliment your efforts.

If your motivation is diminished by having to complete cumbersome and repetitive tasks, you can increase productivity by increasing work efficiency. For example, simple Excel operations can be efficiently handled by creating macros or RPA (Robotic Process Automation), so it will be helpful if you are familiar with how to use macros. Even repetitive tasks can motivate you to work more efficiently if you make them sense that you can learn new skills as you search for solutions.

Boost your team morale through motivation

When you are promoted to a leadership position, you are given a new challenge to manage team members, and it is important to provide team members with a vision of how to achieve your goals and motivate them to achieve good results.

To achieve good results in a team, it is important to motivate team members to create synergies with each other, and not work only with motivation. If you set clear goals for your team members and work with trust, you can motivate them and increase their momentum. When team member error is anticipated during the course of work, appropriate assistance is provided, and success stories are praised in a team meeting to make the employee feel satisfied

Hiring new employees

In order for new employees to adapt well to the organization, the adaptation process must be accompanied by motivational support. In the case of new hires, in the process of adapting to the company, there can be a difference between the motive at the time of joining the company and the current motive, so leadership is needed to close the gap. Even if you have work experience, depending on the company or work situation, you may feel challenged when faced with unfamiliar work, and your motivation to work may decrease. In the onboarding process, it is important to apply for new hires who study the job in a timely manner so that they can adapt well to the job. It is important to pay attention to new hires and make efforts at the company level, as there may be times when you are worried about how to adjust to a new environment. Plus, if you respect new hires as a team, you can motivate them with a high sense of belonging.

The importance of motivation

Many companies have specific plans for recruiting and measuring performance, but few have plans for managing member motivation. Employee motivation management has a major impact on corporate performance and the credibility of the organization.

If employees are less motivated and perform poorly, it is important to check if there are any difficulties in their work and take appropriate motivation measures. Let's see below how to motivate your employees to succeed.

Ways to maximize employee motivation

Well-defined performance goals

Setting clear performance goals is a good way to motivate and support and prevent performance degradation by helping employees understand where they are going and gain momentum. Regular assessments and rewards based on performance targets can effectively motivate employees. If employees are not meeting their goals properly, efforts should be made to propose improvement measures by determining whether work goals have been set too high or what factors are holding back the work.

Low plan to improve performance and motivation

1. Analyze performance objectively.

Before evaluating poor performance and proposing improvements, you need to provide an opportunity to analyze the causes of poor performance by using poorly performing meetings. We identify in detail the areas of low performance and set goals to be achieved before the next assessment. It is also important to document any performance discussions for future objective assessment and recording.

2. Take enough time.

It's hard to improve performance in a short amount of time, so let's take some time to determine if performance has improved. If some of the indicators have improved to some extent, the mid-term assessment is used to identify areas for further improvement, and the next assessment date is set to help the insufficiently effective in achieving the goal.

3. At worst, think about discipline.

If performance does not improve after these steps, the employee may consider penalizing or firing. If appropriate disciplinary action is taken but there is no decision other than termination of employment, the employee may take action to terminate the termination after reasonable procedures have been established based on past disciplinary action.

3. Increase the frequency of communication.

The main reason for the sharp decline in office workers is the lack of communication with managers. Identifying what projects your employees are working on and what challenges they face and advice can also help motivate your team members. Even if it is not related to work, we try to create an atmosphere in which comfortable communication is possible through frequent communication.

4. Compliment clearly.

Employees who perform well are provided with a place to clearly praise so that they feel fulfilled. Instead of dictating and coercing to work, ineffective employees praise what they do well, but offer helpful advice with gentle suggestions that other approaches can be effective. In order to motivate employees, it is important to give advice based on the characteristics of subordinates and not in comparison with other employees.

5. Be aware of employee burnout.

When you're dealing with high-intensity tasks, you can burn out when you're not motivated, no matter how hard you try. At the end of the project, we help employees recharge by adjusting workloads to prevent overtime and by encouraging employees to leave work on time. It's also an effective way to make sure you have enough free time for your vacation. Taking a break from work can give you a foundation to regain your enthusiasm for work.

6. We respect the opinions of the participants.

It is also important to listen to the suggestions and opinions of the participants. While it can be difficult to include all suggestions or improvements, rejecting an offer immediately can lower employee morale.

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Topics: Motivation
