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3 years ago

Believe it or not, cannibalism still exists

Southeast Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last tribes in the world to practice cannibalism - on a regular daily basis. If you follow the course of the Ndeiram Kabur River upstream, there is a good chance that you will become a lunch for one of these tribes.

What they ate: The warm brains of sorcerers are considered a special treat.

Why they eat it: when a member of a tribe dies it was always assumed that it was due to the action of black magic and not due to natural death. Therefore, it was necessary to find a member of the tribe in which the evil spirit resides, kill him and eat him in order to save the others.

Members of one of these tribes are thought to have eaten Michael Rockefeller, the son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller. He disappeared back in 1861 during an expedition in which he observed members of these tribes. His body was never found. As it should be, bone soup is the best soup!


The North Indian Hindu tribe Aghori claims to eat only "volunteers" who donate their bodies. Here is volunteering on a new level! But in 2005, members of India’s national TV station who were making a documentary about this tribe filmed them guests with a decaying body floating in the Ganges River. And there are rumors that they are stealing bodies from nearby morgues.

What they eat: an unknown fact, presumably - the whole body.

Why they eat people: they believe it will save them from aging. Members of the fairer sex have no problem buying the appropriate anti-age creams, it is enough to nibble a little mother-in-law's right leg. Despite this, they are known for making beautiful souvenirs from human bones.


Before the boom of tourism, Fiji was also known as the cannibal islands. But they have not yet managed to convince everyone that they have given up on that tradition.

When they ate: only members of the opposing tribes. Once they defeated the neighboring tribe, the victims were dismembered and baked over an open fire, and the whole tribe would feast in honor of the victory.

Why they ate them: this act was of a vengeful nature towards members of neighboring tribes.

It is an interesting fact that they were not animals and they ate people only on special occasions, but also with special utensils. They had special forks for the occasion that are rare specimens of interest to collectors today.


Members of the Vari tribe were known for their custom which for the most part included cannibalism. But in 1960, missionaries emerged who imposed their faith and convinced them that cannibalism was not a very cool thing. But in 1994, a major crisis arose in Brazil that particularly affected straw life, and cannibalism due to food shortages re-emerged. People were literally killed in the streets so they could survive. In early 2012, a sect emerged in Brazil that claimed to be followers of a deity who told them to turn lewd women into treats. Surprisingly, they failed to reduce the number of women engaged in the oldest craft in the world.

West Africa

Until the mid-1900s, members of a society called Leopards killed and ate people, mostly tourists. The members of this society were located in Sierra Leone, Liberia and the Ivory Coast and were mostly men. These guys pretended to be leopards, and dressed in leopard fur killed the tourists.

What they ate: the meat was distributed depending on the status of the members in the society.

Why: they thought that human flesh would make them stronger, like a leopard.


Journalist Neil Devis reported that cannibalism was present in Southeast Asia during the wars that took place from 1960 to 1970.

What they ate: Cambodian warriors ate the liver of their enemies.

Why they ate: many people in Khmer Rouge-controlled villages and towns ate people because they were hungry, and food was strictly controlled. Any civilian caught in cannibalism was executed on the spot without trial.


The last case of cannibalism in Congo took place in 2012. Many more cases of cannibalism occurred during the Civil War that ravaged Congo from 1999 to 2003.

What they ate: the main specialty was the human heart, which was prepared with special herbs.

Why they ate people: they thought that if they ate the heart of the enemy they would become fearless and immortal.

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3 years ago
