Everything You Need to Know About Viral Coin

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1 year ago

ViralCoin has been successfully launched in the market equipped with different innovative features. With the launching of this token, the concept of fair launching has been changed forever.

ViralCoin has defined the Fair Balanced Launch as the process in which the price of a token remains consistent while minting new tokens till the time it reaches the maximum total supply gets realized across all networks. 

What is Viral Mission?

The ViralCoin DAO has been built to facilitate subscription transactions smoothly. With this, you can pay for your utilities such as rent, water bills, video on demand and entertainment services. 

ViralCoin intends to maintain the stable price of the token so that the adopters can rely more on the value of this newly launched token while using it as a means of payment. There would be the occurrence of global redistribution on each transaction that will receive an enhancement in the balance regularly.

Even though the price of ViralCoin remains stable, the value of the wallet holding Viral will be enhanced because of reflection. There would not be any concern regarding the decrease in prices drastically. 

Why ViralCoin is considered the Supreme Fairness Token?

ViralCoin is regarded as the first-ever Fair Balanced Launched Token in the market. It would be optimizing the liquidity pool on each buying transaction from the ViralVault till the time ViralCoin has been minted. 

It has been fairly predicted that the price will not rise significantly more than $0.00001, especially in such circumstances when the ViralVault remains active. The whole process of launching was transparent and not a single token was being issued in advance to any adopter. 

There are also provisions for including the gaseless transactions into the ViralCoin Smart Contract. With this speciality, users are being facilitated to create individual gas station contacts so that the requirements of any underlying contract could be removed. 

There are highly reputable ViralTruste in the process who are given control of the liquidity pool. Through this, a major concern has been resolved which associates with the majority of other DeFi tokens. 

The ViralTeam Wallet also does not receive any kind of auto-redistributed tokens nor does the liquidity pool which indicates that the success of ViralCoin lies in the hands of the community. 

How to Buy Viral Coin?

When purchasing ViralCoin on different networks including Binance, Avalanche, Polygon, and Ethereum, there are specific actions that must be taken. The following steps are covered:

  • Setting up your wallet and installing Metamask are prerequisites.

  • The following step will require you to change to the network you want to use to purchase viral.

  • The third step will include visiting Metamask Press and choosing the "Buy" option. Following that, you will need to follow the instructions to add gas to your wallet so that you can purchase ViralCoin.

After that, you need to go to ViralCoin.com and click "Buy Now" so that your Metamask Wallet may be linked.

You can choose from one of two options after your MetaMask wallet has been successfully connected. There are two choices: "Buy Form" or "Unlock." If the option to "Unlock" appears, you must select it to gain permanent access to your favourite ViralSwap exchange. You will be charged a few cents throughout this unlocking phase for processing.

  • You will now be moving toward the finishing touches. You must input the amount you wish to spend on purchasing ViralCoin in this step. To complete your acquisition, you will then need to click the "Swap" option.

  • This will be the final step of the ViralCoin purchase procedure that you undertake which can be completed just in a fraction of seconds. 

How does it Work?

Working of the ViralCoin is quite simple. As it is being launched on multiple networks, you can use it anywhere as a form of digital currency while paying for your utilities. 

There are majorly two ways for getting the ViralCoin. The first one is to purchase this newly launched token in the market directly from Viralcoun by paying the fractional fee. The second way is to participate in a referral program where you have to refer this token to buyers and you will receive 1% anytime, they buy ViralCoin. 

At present, the ViralTeam is controlling the liquidity pool. Through this, they are protecting the ViralCoin mission efficiently so that all the milestones of DAO could be achieved. ViralCoin is the best newly launched digital currency in the market and we recommend using this currency to a maximum level.

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