Removing the cobweb 🕸
Today is the day to remove the cobweb from the corners!
I maintain a daily cleaning routine in high contact areas in my house like everyone else, due to the global condition that we are experiencing these days.
Never before has my front door been so clean! there are days that I clean it up to 3 times, the cleaning issue is really a job and sometimes I feel tired of it; but it is necessary, so I take courage and continue with the work one more day.
When the cleaning day is almost over, I notice that there are cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling and other places in the house; I never see spiders 🕷 around but they leave their amazing work hanging. The spiders carry silk inside their bellies that they let out as threads to weave their works.
I am sorry to ruin the effort of the spiders but their stupendous works are not considered a Michelangelo 😀 I take the brush and get to work, To remove the cobweb¡🕸 and this is how the cleaning work ends today.
Until the next entry friends.
I do not clean up the webs at the front door. There's a plague of flies, stable flies, wasps and mosquitoes and we walk straight into it if we try to go inside or outside.
What do webs have to do with the coronavirus? Nothing. By now they know outside there's hardly any risk of catching the virus. Inside there is and it's advice to ventilate your house well.