Live And Let Others Live...

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Avatar for victoriabaj
3 years ago

Why are you so full of hate and envy, why do feel so sad when you see people succeed in life?

You go on to plot different things to get your colleagues, friends, neighbors out of they way because they are making progress that you are not making.

You feel so pained you say to yourself, if I don't get this position, this benefits, this opportunities then you shouldn't, hence you try every possible means to get in the way of their success.

How about making an effort to do things that's making them succeed so you too can be a success? how about learning those methods, how about telling your friends, colleagues or neighbors to teach you the way to success?

Hey people, be geniuely happy for people who achieve greatness, someday the greatness will extend to you, people will soon rejoice with you as well, people will also look up to you.

The hate is not worth it, have a rethink, stop the backlash, Uptrennd is big enough for everyone to succeed and showcase their talent, let us know you for your positive impacts rather than the negatives.

This message is for you all who fall in this category, not only on Uptrennd but in the world at large, give love in place of hate.

Live and let others live in peace ✌️

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Everyone to succeed and showcase their talent, let us know you for your positive impacts rather than the negatives.

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3 years ago