INVESTING your first 50 to 1000 dollars

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4 years ago

What make people fail in starting up a business:

*They lack purpose*

The moment you don't have a purpose for living, the moment you start dying. That's when you see men

living a purposeless life

You move in whatever direction life throws you in. You don't even notice that because you lack vision.

You see it as life going on. But you are actually fucked up

A vision defines your purpose and your purpose defines your actions, your actions tells who you are

going to be in life.

The main thing I'm talking about here, is to have a purpose for living. Don't just live and pass away like

some did without any impact.

This is what I have seen in lots of people this days, most especially the youths. They don't have a

purpose. Or let me say they are yet to have or discover a purpose for living. They feel they are too young,

never did they know time is going and they are also ageing

They feel they are too young, never did they know time is going and they are also ageing


Now I want you to sit down and do something for yourself

Think and ask yourself this question

*What's my purpose for living?*

Until you find answer to that

Don't stop thinking, keep asking yourself that question

And keep pondering on it till you get an answer

Now let's dive into Investment....

*How to invest your first$50-$1,000*

If you are just starting out or you have saved $1,000 in a bank account and you need to invest this

money into something, here is my advice on how you can go about it. This is not a professional advice

and you can either take it or sieve it..

*✅1. Invest in yourself.*

This looks so simple and common sense but most people don’t do it.

The most important investment you can ever make is the investment in yourself.

This is the only investment that can truly guarantee you 1000% returns.

Why’s that?

The better you become, the more money you can make.

Every other can be stolen from you but the investment its self cannot be taken away.

Most people don’t know that more money follows competence, courage and consistency. The better

you become, the more money you can make.

*✅2. Learn a high income skill*

There is a difference between a high income job (like shell), a high income profession (like Medicine) and

a high income skill (like copywriting,Web design, Graphics design,mini importation etc)

The first two requires longer time, training and resources. The last ones can be learnt in days,weeks or

months and the rewards are equal.

Believe it or not, there are programmers (high income skill) who earn a lot more than lawyers (high

income profession)

My advice number is, learn a high income skill that can help you fetch more money.

Invest in courses and trainings. You can take my mini importation or graphic design class

*✅3. Create daily streams of income.*

Daily streams of income are businesses that bring in cash on a daily basis. Even if it is $5 a day, it is

better than nothing or waiting at the end of the month.

The most common daily streams of income are selling products online.

I have 3 daily streams of income. I sell digital products, I do digital trainings and I sell Fashion products

like sneakers and the rest

For example, I paid $80 to learn mini importation, paid $130 to Learn graphic design and in 3 months

I made more than times 20× of my Investment on those courses from that one stream alone. (The good

news is, I could teach you any of this training for $100, or you can just get my ebooks on them,

meaning you wouldn't have to pay for any online digital training on mini importation or graphic

design/3d video animation)

*✅4. Start a supplementary business*

Supplementary businesses are businesses you start by leveraging an already existing business or traffic.

For example and this is very basic, if someone is selling car, partner with them so that they can sell

fuel or car parts on your behalf. That’s just the idea.

Look for where the traffic is and leverage on it.

It is a model I’ve used over and over to reap passive streams of income.

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4 years ago


This is a very resourceful article. It is very interesting, educative and a model someone can follow to start business.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very nice article and keep posting more article's like this

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4 years ago