What make people fail in starting up a business:
*They lack purpose*
The moment you don't have a purpose for living, the moment you start dying. That's when you see men
living a purposeless life
You move in whatever direction life throws you in. You don't even notice that because you lack vision.
You see it as life going on. But you are actually fucked up
A vision defines your purpose and your purpose defines your actions, your actions tells who you are
going to be in life.
The main thing I'm talking about here, is to have a purpose for living. Don't just live and pass away like
some did without any impact.
This is what I have seen in lots of people this days, most especially the youths. They don't have a
purpose. Or let me say they are yet to have or discover a purpose for living. They feel they are too young,
never did they know time is going and they are also ageing
They feel they are too young, never did they know time is going and they are also ageing
Now I want you to sit down and do something for yourself
Think and ask yourself this question
*What's my purpose for living?*
Until you find answer to that
Don't stop thinking, keep asking yourself that question
And keep pondering on it till you get an answer