The hormone of happiness :)

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3 years ago

The goal of every living being is for his organism to be rich in substances of health and happiness. Through methodological research of scientific and professional literature, we searched for knowledge on how to make every human being happier than he is.

The results of the research confirm that hormones of happiness are created in the organism of the human population, ie. serotonin and endorphins. If there are not enough of them, a person can have elements of lethargy, insomnia, frequent headaches… Serotonin does not have large oscillations in its secretion, which is not the case with endorphins. Endorphins are created in situations that are stressful, painful or very pleasant.

Good mood, which in some people can last 12 hours or more, is due to the release of endorphins. Love is the brightest way to raise endorphin levels. Positive thinking, even when we believe that something helps, is a direct result of the power of positive thoughts, which cause the secretion of endorphins. It has been scientifically proven that certain foods can cheer us up, such as complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. This slowly releases glucose into the blood and makes the feeling of satiety last longer. Food ingested alters the chemical processes in the brain and thus affects both good and bad mood.

We can conclude that we can have more hormones of happiness than we have, only if we do what fills us with pleasure, bliss and happiness, but only under the condition that we do not inflict pain, sorrow or suffering on another person or other living being, because only then life energy permeates the human body as a whole.

The goal of every living being is to live a happy life. Man, as the most perfect being on the planet earth, knows and feels that happiness is true friends and good health.

Through methodological research of scientific and professional literature, as well as on the basis of personal experience, we searched for knowledge on how to make every human being happier than he is. The results of the research confirm that hormones of happiness are created in the organism of the human population, if something good and humane is done, but with pleasure and meaning, and then they feel great. They were discovered in 1975 by two independent groups of researchers. Acupuncture relieves them, which was proven in 1999.

The hormones of happiness are called serotonin and endorphins.

If there are not enough happiness hormones, or there are not enough of them, the organism sends negative signals, so a person may have elements of lethargy, insomnia, frequent headaches…

Serotonin and endorphins are substances that are produced in the nerve cell. They are called neurotransmitters and transmit information from one nerve cell to another.

Serotonin has various functions - it accelerates motor functions, regulates blood flow in the brain, affects the regulation of body temperature, reduces pain, reduces appetite, and if there is too much, it reduces sexual desire or prevents an erection in men.

Endorphins are created in situations that are stressful, painful or very pleasant. For example, if you eat chili peppers, a large amount of endorphins will be created, which alleviates the anger we feel, the more peppers, the more endorphins. Sport relieves pain, has an anxiolytic effect, so during physical exertion the brain releases endorphins, a substance that has reduced pain and fear. Endorphins are also produced during intimate intercourse. If the smell is perceived as pleasant, the stimulus in the limbic system releases e.g. encephalin and endorphins, which are effective against pain and generally improve mood.

Good mood, which in some people can last 12 hours or more, is due to the release of endorphins. Substances such as morphine, heroin or cocaine are classic examples of substances that affect the release of endorphins. But, fortunately for us, there are also the most natural ways to experience that beautiful feeling.

Love is a great way to raise endorphin levels.

Positive thinking, even when we believe that something helps, is a direct result of the power of positive thoughts, which cause the secretion of endorphins.

Physical activity, such as physical exercises, skiing, swimming, tennis, are endorphins.

Enjoying small pleasures, a drop that is a look at a beautiful art painting, flowers, the beauties of nature, watching an interesting theater play or listening to your favorite music also maintains the level of endorphins.

Acupuncture can also cause the release of endorphins.

Laughter, whether it is a good joke or a comic film, causes the secretion of the pleasure hormone, which strengthens the immune system.

It has been scientifically proven that certain foods can cheer us up, such as complex carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index. This slowly releases glucose into the blood and makes the feeling of satiety last longer. Food ingested alters the chemical processes in the brain and thus affects both good and bad mood.

The foods that best affect the production of endorin in the brain are: Fruits - grapefruit, apple, cherry, orange and grape, which have a low GI. The fruit has a lower GI (glycemic index) than fruit juices, because it contains fiber that slows down the absorption of sugar. So whole apples or oranges are better for the brain than their juice. Still, freshly squeezed juice contains a lot of pulp, so it’s definitely a better choice than industrial. Whole grains have the lowest GI, while cornflakes and other sugar-coated grains have a high GI. Vegetables and legumes - beans, peas, gumes and lentils have the lowest GI, and potatoes and carrots have the highest. Banana foods stimulate the release of dopamine, which is responsible for the state of alertness and mental acuity.

Green leafy vegetables are the main source of folic acid, the lack of which causes depression and forgetfulness. Namely, its deficiency causes a drop in serotonin in the brain, which leads to a bad mood. Research has shown that even a slight lack of selenium spoils the mood, and it is present in cereals.

Because of its unpleasant odor, garlic is either adored or avoided. Several studies have confirmed that it causes a feeling of comfort, eliminates fatigue, anxiety and irritability.

Capsaicin, which is present in hot chilli peppers, stimulates the secretion of endorphins - mood hormones. As a possible explanation for the feeling of comfort, capsaicin is said to burn the nerve endings in the tongue and mouth, so to protect against injury, the brain secretes a painkiller - endorphins, which cause

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