How to find your Prince!🌟❤

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3 years ago
Topics: Love

Mr. Perfect - Prince, does not arrive on a white horse pulling his sword from its scabbard, but comes on foot, he is dusty, he stinks of sweat, he got lost several times until he arrived, but sooner or later he arrives. However, you have to open four eyes, because you do not write on his forehead "I am the right man for you". Don't compare everyone next to your ex, because of when the whole world collapsed. You have to know that NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME.

There is a problem that all girls have. We never know when it’s good enough for us. We compare or reject every next one, when we see that he does not have the same characteristics as our ex, when we loved him to death. Because of some former, unrequited love, we are able to turn down even the best possible opportunities.

However, never stop and think, "Maybe Marko was the love of my life, but I didn't give him a chance." Never torture yourself with things you missed. There is a very good reason why they were missed, in fact, fate so desires and its decision cannot be changed.

First of all, you need to know what you really want out of life. Also, you need to know what your Lord Perfect should look like. Imagine it completely. Imagine his hair color, eye color, appropriate height, character, everything, absolutely everything. Then imagine what your first meeting should look like. Imagine meeting him at a party, or in a park while walking the dogs, or on the beach. Imagine everything. Think about that encounter, every night when you go to sleep. Yeah, be ready. When that encounter really happens, be able to recognize whether it is a DREAM or JAVA!

There is no specific template that you should use in that meeting. If you are what you are and if you are honest, you will not need a script to achieve a certain goal. If he is real, everything will flow smoothly, on its own. You already know what to say and how to behave. I'M SURE OF IT.

Even though that encounter is a case in point. If he gives you the impression on the flight that he is the right one, and you do not exchange numbers or addresses, do not despair. If he really is the right one, he meets again. Definitely.

There are no rules in love.

My husband and I always leave the impression that we are the perfect couple and everyone is wondering how we manage to do that. We just don't try, we are spontaneous and honest. The only important thing in this relationship is that we are kindred spirits and that we simply LOVE each other. God created us as we are and we are ideal.

The important thing in an ideal relationship is that partners always laugh at the same source of humor. That is very important. In translation, they should have the same sense of humor. To always laugh easily.

Another important thing is trust. It is not created, it simply either exists or does not exist.

There is no pretense or acting about the right person.

You are what you are and you try to stay that way. It is not bad to eradicate some bad traits, but with the right person, you will not be in a situation to show those bad traits. If you are jealous and possessive, with the right person it will not be, if you are prone to lying, with the right person you will not have to lie. You don't have to persuade the right person to do the things you want, just ask him nicely and you will get it. Harmony and harmony are where people are right, wherever there is tension there is nothing and it is better to get off that scheme at the beginning.

The biggest misconception of women is the thought that over time it can change men. If you surrender to this goal, it is better to give up immediately. The law of relationship reads EVERYTHING THAT IN THE BEGINNING NERVOUSS YOU WITH YOUR MARRIED PARTNER WILL NERVOUS YOU TWICE MORE. Which means there is no hope that all this will change. Either accept it as it is, or give up. Mr. True is not a man you can change, he is perfect for you, with all his flaws and virtues.

Where to find the Right Lord?

Mr. Right is not there. Not required. He simply appears sooner or later. That doesn’t mean you have to shut yourself up in four walls and wait, it does mean you live a normal life, open your eyes wide, and follow the signs on the path of life. Mr. True appears with fanfare, audible only to your ear. Although, often, the person he first says is not REAL - in fact it is. Life writes novels that are getting weirder and weirder. So surrender to fate and wait. Sooner or later, HE will come.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Love
