Coffe trough the countries

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One of the legends says that coffee was discovered when an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that his goats suddenly became more lively. He soon realized that their hyperactivity was due to the bushes they were budding. It was a bush on which coffee grew. Having tasted the fruits of this plant himself, he noticed the same reaction as his goats. The rest is history.

Coffee production is a very lucrative business today, as evidenced by the fact that the coffee industry is the second strongest industry in the world (the first is oil).


Ethiopia is the country where coffee originated and consequently it is deeply ingrained in the culture and customs of this country. Ethiopians know how to say "Buna dabo naw", which means - coffee is our bread. The coffee drinking ceremony plays a big role in the life of Ethiopians. Women spend up to three hours a day preparing coffee, roasting it and preparing it for serving family and guests. Photographer Carey Nash noticed what a traditional coffee preparation ceremony looks like. The special cup in which the coffee is prepared is called "fucking" and is made of clay.


Norwegians have an interesting custom, which means that they bring hot coffee in a thermos, which they will drink when they take a break from walking, hiking or spending time outside. Hot coffee will warm and strengthen them. "Turkaffe" or as we would freely translate mountain coffee is one of the oldest coffee traditions nurtured by Norwegians. Often this coffee is prepared outside (if they are camping with the help of a gas bottle or on a campfire).


If you order coffee in a cafe in Italy, the waiter will bring you an excellent, strong espresso - a short drink that you can drink in two hearts. A typical espresso is served in small, white cups that you can hold with two fingers. This concentrated drink is a real energy booster.


In Austria, you will be served coffee called "Wiener Melange" and it is a kind of cappuccino. It is served in standard cappuccino cups decorated with rich, milky foam.


Judging by the legend, India first encountered coffee in the 16th century when Baba Budan, an Islamic prophet who, on his way to Mecca, discovered the benefits of this drink, smuggled a few beans with him. India is known for filter coffee, which is very popular in the south of the country. It is prepared by long cooking with the help of a special metal filter. It is served with a little milk and a lot of sugar.


The Turkish saying that "coffee should be black as hell, strong as death and sweet as love" describes the attitude that Turks have towards this drink. It is cooked in a pot and has a characteristic strong taste. After drinking, a black, thick precipitate remains at the bottom of the cup. People often mistakenly think that Turkish coffee is a special type of coffee, but in fact it is just a specific way of preparing coffee. Turkish coffee is usually served with rahatluk.


In Japan, both cold and hot coffee are drunk, which are widespread and sold in almost all commercial places. Canned coffee, which is very popular in Japan, first appeared on sale in the 1960s.


Coffee has been an integral part of the Cuban way of life since the 18th century, when French farmers fleeing the revolution brought crops to Haiti and began growing them there. Soon the popularity of coffee and its production increased and expanded enormously. Cuban coffee is a sweet, strong espresso that mixes with sugar in the cooking process. Similar to Italian espresso, Cubans have their own ritual of drinking strong morning coffee, which is usually drunk from small cups.


Americans love coffee, and they usually drink it with a rich cream and a lot of sugar. In addition to the numerous varieties that are popular, we can single out "Americano" - it is a way of preparing coffee that was brought to America by Italian emigrants. American espresso is prepared with warm water. It is especially popular among Italians and the Latin American population.


Coffee in Mexico is exotic and aromatic. It is enriched with cinnamon and sugar, and is traditionally served in clay pots that emphasize its woody aroma.

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