Was the First World War of Any Use?

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3 years ago

If there is something that we beings should value, is that we can learn from our mistakes, although of course, this is a choice, some do learn from them, others simply turn a blind eye, deaf and continue doing the same, and that has happened with the world, after so many wars we have had, after so many deaths that have occurred, it seems that none has learned this terrible lesson, still anger, still chaos, still out of control in many parts of the planet.

The First World War is a memorable and unforgettable historical event for humanity, because it shows us how fragile "Peace" usually is, something that many people want, but little is done to keep it, let's make a little memory: In the twentieth century the world began to experience many changes, economic, technological, social, we could say, that the world began to wake up, and to see life in a different way, but something changed all this, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne named Franz Ferdinand, better known as the Archduke was assassinated by Serbian nationalists, but no one thought that this death would remain so, however Austria, out of spite, hatred and sadness, decided to declare war on Serbia and started something that many remember with such sadness, the First World War began on July 28, 1914.


And many of you will think, really a world war because of the death of this man? That's right, it sounds illogical the truth, but in reality that was only the tip of the iceberg, the real factors that led to initiate this armed conflict were others, this fact was only an excuse, no one can deny that Germany was a country with great innovators, creators and intellectuals, no doubt this led to have an interesting growth, however unlike other European nations, Germany was late in the distribution of land for colonization, this led to economic problems, and not being able to keep up with other countries like the United Kingdom, and began a kind of rivalry between other nations, so each one began to increase its arms power, in a really scary way, from there spies, envy, and different strategies to overcome these rivals arose.

Germany decided to support the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy also joined them and created the Triple Alliance, now we know the end of this story, the surrender of Germany, because of its serious economic crisis, and also because of the arrival of the United States to this war that seemed to have a fixed winner, however the Americans changed the rules of the game. If we study the past in depth, it is sad to see so many people who died for the problems of a few, so many displaced families, so many unnecessary deaths, and the consequences that this terrible conflict left to the world. However, we did not learn that lesson, because apart from the War, the world began to live the first Pandemic of that Century, the famous Spanish Flu, we did not learn from it either, because if we continue talking, we will reach the Second World War, another quite horrible event, because the world had evolved, the countries had improved their weapons, had expanded their capacity, and as there is never a lack of creators and inventors, many became quite creative, and created weapons that to this day continue to cause terrible damage not only to people, but to the environment.


Talking about this subject, makes me think of a phrase I read not long ago from a Composer and Orchestra Conductor named John Powell, he once mentioned: "The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing". And that is what has happened in the course of History, we have not learned from our mistakes, we continue thinking in a nationalism that only leads us to division, I am not criticizing that someone feels proud of his country, cares for it and protects it, but I am criticizing that he thinks he is better than another nation, that he judges another nation, and encourages division, and that is what has been happening, we continue destroying, instead of building, When we read international news, we see how each country invests tremendous amounts of money in weapons, according to them because they have to be prepared for a possible attack, however we see that in those countries, there is famine, there are economic and social crises, among others, and that is where we ask ourselves: Does an "attack" matter more, than the suffering of your people? . Unfortunately the future seems uncertain, and I would really like that today, you who are reading me, you who are analyzing my words, reflect, and possibly agree with me, that we need to build a solid Peace, but also maintain it, because Peace and Love are like a flower, they need care, several elements, to remain radiant, to remain beautiful and healthy, if we stop giving it those elements, that attention, then it will die, and with it, death will come. So we begin our steps on this platform, which we just know, we are Unlimited Writing, we would like to know your opinions about what we have exposed.

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