Why I believe Merchant Moe will be the leading DEX on Mantle.

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2 months ago

Mantle is still a young layer-2 blockchain built on the top of Ethereum. It is much faster, and way cheaper than Ethereum, and that is the purpose it was built for, just like many other layer-2 chains such as Arbitrum and Optimism.

But, if you are going to do some trading on Mantle, you will immediately look for a decentralized exchange where you can trade your coins. Maybe you want to buy the native Mantle token (MNT), or maybe you are eager to buy some wrappen Bitcoin or wrapped Bitcoin, or even more interesting, the Mantle Ethereum (mETH). Where should you go to get such things done? Which is the best place on Mantle for such transactions?

There are several decentralized exchanges on Mantle, but the newest is Merchant Moe, and even though it is the newest, it has already turned into one of the leading exchanges on the blockchain. That isn't a coincidence, as it was built by the people who created TraderJoe on Avalanche, meaning they have lots of experience and funding in the background.

You have other options such as Butter, Fusion Finance, and some others, but as you get used to trading on Merchant Moe, you will quickly find out and discover that it is the most interesting and easiest to use platform for trading on Mantle.

Of course, there aren't an enormous amount of trading pairs, but that isn't because of Merchant Moe, but because there aren't a lot of moon-coins on Mantle (yet). There are some, but mostly, people trading on Mantle are looking to buy the Mantle token, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and then some other tokens such as KTC, LEND, MOE, MINU, and a few others.

If you have created a new token, it is easy to create a trading pair for the token on Merchant Moe, meaning you can easily get going and by creating liquidity, you can make trading of your token easy on Mantle.

In other words, if you are looking for somewhere to trade on Mantle, I definitely believe Merchant Moe is the best place to start!

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2 months ago
