Anxiety is a condition characterized by feelings of tension, anxious thoughts and physical changes such as an increase in blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders often have recurring thoughts or anxieties. They may avoid certain situations because of anxiety.
It is not uncommon for you to feel anxious about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or doing some exercise. This type of anxiety is not pleasant, but it can motivate you to work harder and do better work. Common anxiety is a feeling that comes and goes, but it does not interfere with your daily life.
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Symptoms of common anxiety include:
rapid breathing
you have trouble concentrating
difficulty sleeping
Causes of Anxiety:
The exact cause of anxiety is unknown to research field yet at that time. But it's common causes are:
Over thinking
Less eating
More concerned to something
Feel wrong on something very early
Remaining alone
Less talking
Don't discuss success or failure with someone.
What are the treatments of anxiety?
Once you have been diagnosed with a problem, you can check your treatment options with your doctor. For some people, treatment is not necessary. Lifestyle changes are not enough to deal with the symptoms.
In moderate or severe cases, however, treatment can help you overcome the symptoms and lead a more practical daily life.
Treatment of anxiety falls into two categories: psychotherapy and medication. Meeting with a doctor or psychologist can help you learn the tools you use and how to deal with anxiety when it occurs.
What you can do at home to get rid of Anxiety?
You can do the following things to escape from this deadly disease indeed:
get enough sleep
staying active and exercising
eating healthy foods
staying active and exercising
to avoid alcohol
to avoid caffeine
quitting smoking
Does anxiety depend on age factor?
No, anxiety doesn't depend on age factor. A teen can also get it from over thinking, taking exams tension and family as well. And an old man can also get it from various reasons. Male, female and children are succeptible to this disease. But it's considered that anxiety may increase from age to age because of various factors including increase of responsibilities.