The effect of Covid on a developing nation has become extensive and seemingly affecting all sectors ,this is seen through developing systems such as health ,workforce,industrialisation ,agriculture,security,developing nation's have got alot of challenges especially when it comes to covid pandemic which has hit these nation's, observed changes include adopting of internet learning in education, given the fact that developing nation's already have challenges in education system or sector, the cost of an internet based learning is highly unlikely ,due to insufficient government capacity already making it worse with coid situation, the industrialisation sector ,this involves manufacturing industries ,these work or rely on workforce or labour and are especially the driving sectors of an economy , the workforce helps drive industrialisation through employment , the covid situation will drastically lead to unemployment and many developing countries depend on foreign intervention by foreign countries so as to benefit from employment of work force,slowing down the economy and thea by causing conomy to slowly have effects on poverty as poverty level increase ,the health sector consist of the elite class, most of which are in direct contact with patients suffering from covid and this causes alot of instability through loss of workforce as more doctors,nurses healthworkers lose Thea life ,with already ,safocating health system the covid pandemic has depends the effect by causing loss of life to a number of health workers and Thea fore making health systems fail ,health workers due to insufficient pay by government and have been living innpoverty also are illequiped to handle such effects of pandemic making it worse than in developed countries ,it is with this that I submit my article to all platform users ,on effects of covid on developing countries