A comment, that I made, inspired me to write this small article. There are many people, that did excellent work, about our life, and some of them still do, but they are unknown, to the public. Let's see some names that I found important.
Ruth Stout
Ruth Imogen Stout, had a normal life, until she retired to country living. During the first years, she used conventional methods, so she had to wait for someone to plow the fields, before she could start. Wasted time, of waiting, because of the person's delays, forced Ruth to try to find a solution. Instead of plowing, she tried to plant the seeds, and cover them. This was a great success. For this system, to be successful, an 8 inch think mulch, should be applied over the seeds. This was called later, the Ruth Stout system.
Masanobu Fukuoka
Masanobu was a Japanese philosopher and farmer, celebrated for his method, called Natural Farming, and re-vegetation of deserted lands. When he was at the university, one day, he was enlightened, by watching, the nearby forest. He saw the beauty of it, without any human work, and it was evolving, fine. He decided to study, and copy the nature of the forest, to grow fruit trees. It was a success, and in his 70's, he decided to write a book about it, because, when he died, all this information, would be lost. After the book sales, a lot of interest from around the world, was created, so he had to give lectures, and travel the world, until he died, in his late nineties.
Sebastião Salgado and Lélia
This couple, started a project to plant, two million trees, and 20 years later, the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, has a wonderful forest. Sebastião, was a photographer, and when he returned home, from a traumatic experience, covering the genocide in Rwanda, in 1994, he decided, to take up his family farm, for healing his soul. When he saw it, it was a disaster. Only 0.5%, was covered in trees. The damaged environment, was healed after 20 years of hard work.
What, is the use, of counting, our belongings, our points, our ….? I think that there is no reason to do this. Get inspired, find your passion, and live your life to the max. You only have one life, don't waste it. Have a nice day!
Great article Dear