The secret of all beauty is love.
The secret of love is respect.
The secret of respect is courtesy, grace.
There is an incomparable flavor in relationships that are based on these principles.
There are features that make the soul and mind very happy. There are very subtle features in such relationships.
Man is in ignorance and ignorance; in vagrant flux, ignoring these great blessings of God's accidental destiny
no one should be looked down upon with contempt or belittlement.
If you take back these beautiful blessings from the people who have managed to enter your heart; You will be thrown into the scourges and deprivations that will teach them their worth.
This is the price of contempt for divine grace.
In fact, in true sincerity, respect, love, kindness, grace.
Established relationships: they are very valuable assets that you should never lose. When you lose them, you immediately realize how empty, meaningless, tasteless your life is.
However, there is a situation where such blessings are irreversible when they are lost.
In other words, it is a miracle that it is almost impossible for you to regain your old air with those blessings.
For this reason, people should know the value of the blessings at hand. We have not lost them.
A person's ability to enter your heart, your mind, your heart, is because he is worthy of it.
Or he got there with worthy jobs!
If you take it away from him once, that person will never come back there, so you will never win again.
Losing a blessing is a very dangerous business, it should not be taken into account.
Again, my dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that
beautifying life; flavoring; what makes it sweet:
Luxury and colors, rays are not shiny objects; it is faith in life, sincerity, reality, realism, and extras in that life comply with moral rules such as fairness, conscience, kindness and succession. If these exist, there is flavor in that life.
There is trust, there is happiness, where there is no happiness, taste, enjoyment, life has no taste, so we should not condemn ourselves to unpleasant things.
Those who deserve it should be given the value they deserve.
Those who deserve respect must be shown the respect they deserve.
If you start to look cheap on those who value you in your environment, they will start looking cheap on you too. Thus, you lose your value in all eyes and hearts, and then you are thrown into the garbage of life.
If you have been thrown out of a heart you entered, it means you have been thrown into the garbage.
That means you have lost your value.
You don't have to be unhappy.
Don't condemn yourself to unhappiness
Have mercy on yourself, this is a much wiser and better way.
My dear brothers and sisters, no matter what we do, no doubt, in the flow and functioning of life, every human being will definitely move towards the point he deserves with his effort and effort.
And it will surely get there, none of us can prevent it
For this reason, we pray about all issues, why not say such and such, it is appropriate, we say that.
We look at life with this measure. Because life takes place entirely with divine permission and divine approval.
That's why we can't object, but we try to live carefully without risking relationships that will make us unhappy.
This is our recommendation to you.
We also value those who value our loved ones.
If you do the opposite, it is an example of disloyalty.
This is ignorance, ignorance.
Such people; They are never worthy of happiness.
Surely in their lives; suffering Longing for homeland is filled with deprivation and misery. The secret of all beauty is love.
The secret of love is respect.
The secret of respect is courtesy, grace, grace.
There is an incomparable flavor in relationships that are based on these principles.
It has features that make the soul and mind very happy. There are very subtle features. Man is in ignorance and ignorance; One should not look down on anyone with contempt or underestimate, by underestimating these great blessings bestowed by Allah in the vagrant flow.
If you take back these beautiful blessings from the people who have managed to enter your heart; You will be thrown into the scourges and deprivations that will teach them their worth.
This is the price of contempt for divine grace.
In fact, relationships established with respect, love, kindness and grace in real sincerity: they are very valuable assets that you should never lose. When you lose them, you immediately realize how empty and meaningless your life is.
However, there is a situation where such blessings are irreversible when they are lost.
In other words, it is a miracle that it is almost impossible for you to regain your old air with those blessings.
For this reason, people should know the value of the blessings at hand and should not lose them.
A person's success in entering your heart, mind, heart, is because he is worthy of that place. Or he has been there with worthy works.
Losing a blessing is a very dangerous business, it should not be taken into account.
Again, my dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that
beautifying life; flavoring; that sweetens,
Luxurious colors and rays are not shiny objects, it is faith in life, sincerity, reality, realism.
It is because the extras in that life comply with moral rules such as fairness, conscience, kindness and succession, if they exist, there is flavor in that life.
There is trust, there is happiness, where there is no happiness, taste, enjoyment, life has no taste, so we should not condemn ourselves to unpleasant things.
Those who deserve it should be given the value they deserve.
Those who deserve respect must be shown the respect they deserve.
If you start to look cheap on those who value you in your environment, they will start looking cheap on you too.
Thus, you lose your value in all eyes and hearts, and then you are thrown into the garbage of life.
If you have been thrown out of a heart you entered, it means you have been thrown into the garbage.
That means you have lost your value.
You don't have to be unhappy.
Do not condemn yourself to unhappiness.
Have mercy on yourself, this is a much wiser and better way.