Odette: Bangon Cebu

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2 years ago

Disaster doesn't just destroy housed, buildings or any infrastructures. Sometimes, our dreams and hopes vanished in thin air too. What we worked hard for may be gone in a blink of an eye and there's nothing we can do no matter how prepared we can be. When mother nature unleashes her powers, all we can do is hope and pray that we can save even a little.

Odette is just one of the strong typhoons that that hit the Philippine territory but i left Cebuanos so much damage. Cebu is known to be protected by Snr. Sto. Nino as long as people worship and believed in him, nothing should be feared. But this time, no matter how we pray for this storm to change direction, it can't be stopped from hitting Cebu especially the southern part.

Odette hit in the evening when people were already asleep. But to some, that evening wasn't meant for sleeping, but to transfer on where to find a stronger shelter to protect themselves from the storm. That night was a nightmare to most people. People wished it would end as early as possible, hoping that the sun will rise again to give hope and start rebuilding. But that hope seems lile forever as hours goes by.

Morning came and people saw the devastating damage that Odette left. Houses and buildings were damaged, electricity was cut off, water stopped from running, roads were damaged, lanslides were everywhere, animals were killed due to floods and trees were down no matter how strong their foundation were. The time, effort and heart spent for everything that the storm broke cannot be replinished with any amount. Hopes and dreams were torn apart in an instant.

Cebuanos are built differently. If other regions waited for help from the government or from other people, Cebuanos were already rebuilding themselves. They wait for no one to stand and rise again. If people beg and complain first, Cebuanos just shut their mouth and work their ass off to continue living.

Cebuanos, are known to be resident and full of hope. No matter how hard life is, whatever may hit them, they will always shine and survive. No storm can bring them down. Cebuanos believed that every time life pull them down, the more reason they need to crawl back up and survive.

I can attest to this because I am a proud Cebuano myself. I witnessed how people struggled and how they came with solutions to start living again. We were down but it's the end of life. In every problem there's always a solution.

Disclaimer : All that's written here is from my self opinion. Pictures and other medias in this article are free media from this site.

$ 0.88
$ 0.87 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @Princeyahwe
Avatar for trimmer339
2 years ago


Bangon mga bisaya! ♥

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let's heal as one tro, this was a challenge given by God. There are a lot of disaster happen in this year. I know, we can bounce back and go back to the normal life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago