Vertical Garden: Green life in concrete structures

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Who doesn't want a nature-friendly, generous, calm, cosmopolitan environment? Instinctively we feel comfortable staying close to green. When there are plants around us, we feel less pressure, the green color also relaxes the eyes. We all want to live in a piece of beautiful green, unadulterated breath, simple natural environment. At this time of the recent epidemic of coronavirus, we are feeling it more intensely.A little bit of pure oxygen, being able to breathe in the open air, a filtered airy atmosphere - everything we want now.

According to environmental scientists, people are born with a desire to be close to nature. When people have to stay out of nature for too long, they get short of breath. Nothing feels good. It starts to feel monotonous for no reason.

But day by day we are moving away from nature. In order to build various infrastructural developments of urbanization, industries, roads, ghats, bridges, etc., we are deforesting by turning green. Our civic life is becoming noisy, dusty, smoky, and lifeless like brick and wood. In our life wrapped in the sheet of mechanics, we have confined ourselves to an unnatural brick-and-stone environment.. Elements such as civic life, polluted gas and dust have poisoned our air. But we can also use nature to our advantage in modern architecture without doing the damage we are doing to nature. The name of such an environmentally friendly solution in architecture is 'Vertical Garden' or 'Vertical Garden'.

Any place decorated with trees, shrubs and vines is always very attractive. And from this realization, the idea of ​​a vertical garden can be said to be a kind of relief in the various places arranged in a dense green atmosphere in the urban life of brick-wood-concrete. Architects, through indoor or outdoor landscaping, have unveiled another aspect of the architecturally vibrant and eco-friendly architecture as an adjunct to nature.

Let's read the whole article to know the art and technique of establishing the natural connection of our modern society with the beginning and end of Vertical Garden and architecture.

Behind the scenes

In modern society, 'gardener's mind' is more or less present in all of us. The greenery on the walls, as well as the various species of trees-shrubs-herbs-flowers standing vertically like a garden in a building-structure, makes everyone feel good. This love of nature has been going on for ages from ancient civilization to the present day. In urban life, when we are facing shortage of greenery, the concept of vertical garden has emerged as one of the solutions.

This is not a new concept, the concept dates back to the 1930s and is a modern version of the reality of science fiction back then - today's vertical garden. It has become more popular in recent times. In any wall, partially or completely covered by vegetation, soil and integrated water supply system, a self-contained system of drainage of water waste is provided throughout the building or any installation.
The theme is implemented in modern designs and plans to maintain the natural environment in large installations, office buildings, residential areas, hospitals, shopping malls, just like the general garden in architectural design. Perfectly using engineering techniques, vertical gardens are created in any building and installation in biophilic design, where routine maintenance of garden plants, automatic water supply system and all other maintenance can be done.

The green color is predominant and the entire garden system is designed to be able to fight air pollution by filtering dust and absorbing carbon dioxide. Other benefits include heat control and noise pollution.

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Nice article bro,

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3 years ago