Legend of Atlantis

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People's speculations about the lost city are very old. History and folklore introduce us to many magnificent cities of antiquity, the culmination of which were the crowns of their respective civilizations. Who hasn't heard of El-Dorado, although its story is still considered legendary due to lack of proper evidence. Until the discovery of Troy, Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were blown away by many experts as Gallagher.

Iram and Uber, lost in the Arabian desert, Heraclius of Egypt, Thebes, Mycenae of Greece, Gordium, the capital of King Midas, or Megiddo of Israel are all written in the pages of history. But people's interest in Atlantis fades away.The island of Atlantis, which had risen from the depths of the sea, returned to the shores of the sea. Its existence and location are unproven, but it did not hinder human expeditions. Great experts have written books on Atlantis, and the mission to find Atlantis has been carried out at great expense. If you look at adventure novels, it seems that hundreds of stories have been written about Atlantis alone. Let's turn to the legendary Atlantis today.

The source of the story of Atlantis

Almost everything we know about Atlantis today comes from the writings of Plato (429-346 BC). No other philosopher or historian, except Plato, has described Atlantis in such a written form. Atlantis is first mentioned in Plato's Dialogue of Timius, and later in Critias's Dialogue, which is in a slightly expanded form. Sadly, his entire dialogue is lost in the womb of time, leaving the description of Atlantis incomplete. Even then, what is found is a rough picture of the patchwork.


Timothy speaks of Atlantis, another philosopher named Cretius, at the beginning of a conversation between Socrates and a fictional philosopher named Timothy. Critias is described in great detail, where another man named Hemocrates asks Critias to give a description of Atlantis. Critias claims that the story goes back to his lineage. His great-grandfather Dropides heard this story from the famous Athenian lawyer Solon. The period of Solan was approximately 640-570 BC. Solan's account states that he heard the story of Atlantis again during a visit to the Egyptian city of Sais from the temple priests there. These priests claimed to be the successors of the ancient Egyptian high-priest Imhotep. They told Solon that the story was coming from Imhotep.

The priests of Sais revere Solon's Athenian identity. If they continue to admire the Athenians, they are interested in the reason for Solon. An elderly priest then told him about a bloody conflict, the background of which was before the earth sank in a terrible flood. At that time, it was the Athenians who saved Egypt and other parts of Greece from slavery at the hands of an aggressive power. That aggressive force is called Atlantis, which formed about 9,000 years before their time. In ancient times, Atlantis had no equal in terms of civilization and technology.


Location of Atlantis

The Pillars of Heracles, whose name today is Gibraltar, is a vast island in the sea outside Plato. Today we know it as the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was about the size of Libya and Asia Minor. So it is better to say a floating continent than an island.


Time then the Titans. Cronus reigns supreme. He is vigilant to ensure that no one is hindered in his power. As a result, soon after birth, all his children are in the womb of the father. Mother Rhea is finally able to save her youngest child Zeus. In his old age, Zeus defeated Cronus and seized power, rescuing his own brothers and sisters. Zeus and his brothers then divided the empire. Olympus and the sky are Zeus, the world of the dead is Hades. Poseidon's fate fell on the blue water.

Poseidon lived under the sea. But sometimes he did not forget to raise his head above the waves. He saw an island in the middle of the sea. In the middle of it is a vast wilderness, where various species of plants grow in the fertile soil. Standing in the middle of this desert is its mountain, where Avenor and his wife Lucippিপ live. Their only daughter is Clito.

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