Money should not be the only stimulus.

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3 years ago

What is your stimulus, more precisely what do you think would be a stimulus for better work, after which you would feel more satisfied and why would you work?

Is it money, a bigger vacation, promotion ... "Healthy" work environment. Even some "angry" salary can't "buy" me if the environment in which I work is "unhealthy" ... I do a job I love and that is very important to me. The biggest stimulus to give the maximum of myself in work is the fact that I give the maximum to myself in terms of acquiring knowledge and skills and simply filling my CV, which makes my future existence safer. It is a stimulant that simply and exclusively depends on me.

What can bring me pleasure is also to feel valuable for the system in which I work. That is, that the environment simply considers me a collaborator worth having and keeping.

Good company is certainly a stimulus, but what if society, the work environment is unhealthy? Should I be exclusive and say I’m only here for the money? In this transitional chaos, it is difficult to find a good job and a good company and a good salary. There is always something missing. What to give up? We definitely need money, that's why we work. Money is important, of course, but it can be crucial to the level that is necessary for elementary existence. Anything over that amount can in no way be decisive for me. Because often a higher salary brings with it longer working hours, less free time, difficulties in getting annual leave, ... And in such a situation it cannot be said that the salary ensures the realization of some other desires because they simply give you a salary but take away time to achieve those desires. So when it comes to money, I would rather put it in relation to the length and intensity of working hours, the environment, the culture of the organization, learning opportunities ..... and only then did I talk about the stimulus in the form of money.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @elana
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Written by
3 years ago


Hello dear.My stimulus are good work environment,good conditions for working,great team and salary. I hope you will check out my page too.

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3 years ago