The Sacrifice Of A Tree: Last-Part

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Hey, listen, now I am going to share with you the last part of the article where I must say about trees sacrificing mind, we can learn many and many things from a sacrificed life of a tree.

If we can see at the tree, we can easily discover the thing that the trees never cling to the dead leaves and they let them go and hence they make way for fresh new leaves to emerge, is not it? As we know that being humans, we tend to hold on to so much that do not serve us any good, we should let those things go. We hold on to negative thoughts, toxic relationships, bad habits, limiting beliefs and so what? We should give up all the bad habits and let them go which was our bad experience ever. All of these drain our energy and prevent us from taking action toward making a better future and really it works. So, it is time to let all of these go just like the trees let go of the dead leaves and should emerge with a new unique self-confidence and self motive with positive things.

I also have noticed things that the trees teach us like small actions can make a huge difference and even though our goals might look overwhelmingly big when we start taking small steady steps toward them, we will eventually attain them, I believe this strongly and we all know that slow and steady wins the race.

Also, another thing the ideal trees teach us is that everything in life happens at the right time, and good things always come to those who wait and the tree knows this and hence it does not struggle or toil, but simply rests in its being and patients with what it has. When all its leaves fall off in a particular season, the tree waits patiently knowing that one day spring will come bringing forth regeneration and if the lands become dry even, the tree waits patiently knowing that one day it will rain and it gives relief from all the struggles and sufferer moments. Faith and patience are two of the greatest virtues you can have ‘cause both these virtues will help you face almost anything that life throws at you.

It is also an interesting learning thing from the tree that it teaches us the value of being flexible, adaptable, and more accepting of change, and very often it is best to let go of resistance and go with the flow and with a much more energetic mind. It is common that change is the nature of life and a lot of times, we are in resistance to change like every creature in this beautiful world, but when we are in resistance, we focus on the negative aspects of the situation and miss out on all the positive aspects and these are responsible for not be successful in our life.

Finally, I should say that if we want to be enough smart and if we want to be better, wiser, and more talented, and if we want to reach our ultimate goal, then it is high time we abode by these learning things and motivation. And if we can follow these and control ourselves according to them, we can reach our goal so silently. But when you let go and accept a situation, your focus changes to positive and you attract the right solutions that will help you move toward a more aligned reality.

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