Russia rising whilst the people are falling.

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Avatar for tikitikitoria
3 years ago

Russia is now claiming to have gotten a vaccine to this mind raking virus.We have always known that Russia was a very developed country in terms of knowledge but who would have thought they'd be the first to come up with a vaccine.All the countries have been racking their minds,as afore mentioned,for a simple answer to this fateful disease.Over the past years Russia has shown us all that they can rise above expectations as they have always been competing with the U.S on scientific discoveries and experiments that have changed the world to what we know it this day.Many are the times they have succeeded but this time round they exceeded all set expectations.But this isn't the first time nor will it be the last,we hope.They made history when they were the first people to launch an aircraft into out of space and the countless times they've done it again and again.But that isn't the issue.

The conditions seen in this picture lead us to asking;Where is all the money made from all these scientific discoveries going?Many would say that this is a construction site but the lack of builders and construction materials clearly shows that it isn't.This is just a show of the living conditions in many parts of Russia.

Compared to the living status of it's competitors'the U.S,we are led to ask where is all the money going?Wasn't this money supposed to be used for devolution?To me this does not look like devolution at all.We just hope that the money acquired from this vaccine will be used to better the lives of the Russian people.

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Avatar for tikitikitoria
3 years ago


Waiting for that vaccine here in the Philippines.

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3 years ago

I was pretty sure russian areas would be quite developed but there was always a lack of news on russia too

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3 years ago