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1 year ago

Preferring to run around the forests and plains of Caerras in large herds, the Tourio is as strong as it is fast.

Its large, pointed horns easily pierce through flesh and their hard foreheads can break bone during a Tourio ram attack.

However, contrary to popular belief, they are not violent at all. In fact, they’re one of the only Borax species who are herbivores rather than carnivores.

The Tourio herd structure is extremely community centric as they are commonly reported to show care and compassion for each other in the herd.

Once befriended, the Tourio is a very docile and loyal companion, often treating you and your family as members of the herd.

Nature Tourio

The Nature Tourio is known to Ayena Ridge locals as the gardener of the mountains.

As the jagged cliff sides of the Tawarin Mountains are far too dangerous for humans to climb, the Nature Tourio can be seen travelling in their herds along the mountain ridge, grazing on the plants along the sheer rock face.

Many scientists report that without their grazing, the overgrowth would trigger rockslides all along the ridges and cause severe damage to the areas at the base of the mountains.

Ice Tourio

The Ice Tourio was actually not discovered in the traditional sense.

A famous Azulean artist, Julie Xi, was attempting to summit the Gallos Mountains to paint the breathtakingly beautiful view when her climbing party was blindsided by a sudden blizzard.

As the storm began to overtake them, a bright Ice Tourio burst from the howling winds and sprinted across the sheer cliff side to direct the party to a nearby cave.

There, the party was able to find shelter from the storm and Julie Xi painted one of her most famous paintings, The Guardian Deity of Snow Kissed Mountains.


The Antello is a tall and majestic Venari that loves to prance across the grasslands.

A peaceful Venari, it prefers to spend its days eating grass and hiding right out in the open.

They usually travel in a herd, making them incredibly intimidating to approach.

While their hearing may not be the most adept, they utilize their long antlers to sense any distinct changes in the air.

While they look very friendly and calm, the Antello can sense a threat from a mile away.

Once the predator is spotted, they would release a rumbling squawk to scare any Venari from stepping into their boundaries.

If it’s not enough, they’re fully ready to take advantage of their large herd numbers to overpower their predators.

While its large form limits hiding choices, the Nature Antello prefers to conceal itself in open spaces.

It would duck its head, and the leaves around its neck would begin to stand, camouflaging it with the bushes.

However, what sets it apart from the other types is how its leaves contain germinating seeds that could potentially grow into flowers.

Their migratory patterns have been documented by the flora they often leave behind.

Unlike other variants, the Ice Antello favors the harsh mountains.

It thrives in the coldest environment that some could’ve sworn that they see icicles wrapped around its neck, rather than the usual leaf-like structure.

It’s rarely spotted given the hard climb up the peak. However, it's still extremely rare to spot, with many saying that the Ice Antello only appears once in a blue moon.


The Eurici often sits at the highest of tree branches, allowing its tail to sway with the leaves.

In fact, the Eurici’s grip is so firm that even an earthquake wouldn’t be able to shake it off.

Once perched, it feeds eagerly on nearby vegetation While this type of Venari could easily blend in at night, their bright shade and glowing appearances become much more noticeable during the day.

They would scuttle across bark, creating rapid clicking noises to imitate the Aharas’ hisses as a way to ward off any predators.

While most of them feed on vegetation, they do prefer to spend their days wrap around the tree branch. While they may not be the smartest Venari, they sure are more resourceful than others.

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1 year ago
