The child at the age of three months

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3 years ago

The child at the age of three months is occupied by the thinking of many mothers, the changes and developments that occur to him, and many questions that occupy their brains about healthy and unhealthy matters about these changes.

● Many developments occur in the child's life directly after his birth, especially in the first three months, and the child's development during this period is scientifically recognized as being rapid, especially with regard to the growth and development of the child's senses with the external environment.

● But it is not necessary for this child's development to be taken for granted, nor that its failure to occur precisely for your child is due to a problem, as it is necessary to know that there are individual differences that affect the child's development naturally, the most important of which, for example, are genetic factors.

● Of course, the mother will not notice any growth on the child at first because she is completely preoccupied with his special matters, such as his food, diaper hygiene, etc., but as she gets used to this and becomes normal, she will begin to notice this growth and development on the child.

● One of the things that can be noticed in an easy and simple way and is considered from the growth of children in this first period of birth, is to notice that the child raises his head and chest while he is lying on his stomach, this after it was relaxed at the beginning and his movements were jerky.

● He will also be able to stretch and kick his legs in this position. In addition, if you offer your child a toy, he will hold it for a few moments.

● Listening At the age of three months, the baby will be sensitive to noise levels. Expect your newborn to respond to your tone of voice by smiling and gurgling in response to you. You will also begin to pay attention to the direction of the sounds.

● Your baby will likely focus on your face, and especially your eyes, while breastfeeding. By the time he's one month old, your newborn will prefer to look at lighting patterns in a contrasting color or a black and white background.

● Around the second month of life, your baby's eyes will become more clear, allowing him to track things. Your baby will soon begin to recognize familiar objects and familiar people from a distance.

● Also, at the age of two months, we will notice the child's ability to communicate with those around him from the outside world, as we find that the child can chant and repeat verbal sounds when you talk or play with soft words.

Promote your child's growth

● Your relationship with your child is the basis for his normal development. Be confident that you can meet your child's needs.

● Holding your baby helps the newborn to feel safe, protected and loved. Let your baby close his hand on your little finger and touch your face.

● We can also keep talking for a long time in a clear and simple way in front of the child, which helps us lay the foundation for him in developing his language and speech, and this is done by singing to him or reading a story for him in a loud voice, and we ask him questions and respond to the sound of gurgling.

● Change the position of your baby and carry your baby on his back, put your baby on his stomach to enjoy playing under close supervision, pick up a colorful toy or make an attention-grabbing noise to encourage your baby to raise his head.

● Many newborns feel frustrated or bored when lying on their stomachs, so limit these sessions at first; Stretch it for a few minutes at a time and if your baby starts to feel sleepy, put it on his back to sleep.

● Rapid response to his tears, for most newborns, crying reaches its climax after six weeks of birth and then subsides gradually, so it must be distinguished between them to know whether your child needs a diaper change, a feeding session, or just a desire to feel safe.

● You need to respond quickly, and don't worry about spoiling your child with extra care, your love for him will help build strong bonds between you, as well as the confidence he needs to build a stable life one day without your help.

When the child's development is wrong

● Your child may reach some stages of development early and some children may reach them later, these things are normal, however, it is a good idea to pay attention to the warning signs of stunting.

● See your baby's doctor if you are concerned about your baby's growth or notice any of these warning signs by the third month.

There was no improvement in head control

● It does not seem to respond to loud noises.

● He does not smile at people or the voice you make towards him.

● It does not track moving objects with its eyes.

● Does not notice his hands.

● Does not pick up and carry objects.

● You should be aware that every child has his own growth, so children and their growth should not be compared to each other, but you should pay attention to the obvious abnormalities because the earlier the problem is discovered the faster it can be treated.

Fetal development in the third and fourth months - physical development

● When you brought your child home, did you notice how quickly he was distracted by loud noises and lights. These are very natural reactions because your child is still adapting to the new environment around him.

● By the third month, these responses are expected to decrease or disappear.

● During the stages of growth and with reaching the third month, the child is well able to control his neck, so he first tries to lift and move it, then after that he will be able to carry it on his body well despite his inability to balance completely.

● You will notice more physical activity when your 3-month-old baby reaches out for his hands and feet and blows the air more forcefully.

● You will notice that your baby can hold things for a longer time and sometimes your child can reach and hold things, which is a sign of hand-eye coordination. Be careful what is within your child's reach, as it is likely to move directly to the mouth.

● One of the stages of a three-month-old baby is the growth of your baby's immunity, and you will notice an increase in sleep for longer periods, for six to seven hours at a time.

● At this stage with iron, you will get more rest, but if you hear the baby crying in the middle of the night, you should only monitor your baby.

● Sometimes babies cry for a few seconds and then go back to sleep, so you don't need to immediately carry and feed your baby.

● You and your three-month-old baby will be able to reach a suitable feeding and sleeping routine for him, so you must work to set this routine, which will allow you to plan your time more effectively as well.

Take care of a 3-month-old baby

Breastfeed a 3-month-old baby

A three-month-old baby urgently needs to breastfeed, because breast milk is the most important part of a baby's diet at this time, and it is best to continue breastfeeding the baby in the third month as normal if you can.

The baby sleeps in the third month

● A three-month-old baby sleeps 4 to 5 hours at a time and may not sleep all night.

● It is normal for a child to wake up during the night, but he will return to sleep on his own or he may need to be fed. Usually, at the age of 3 months, a child sleeps 14 hours a day, and these hours include a short nap during the day in addition to the child's sleep at night.

Breastfeed a baby at the age of three months

● When the baby reaches the third month, your baby's feeding system will start regularly and the baby's breastfeeding abilities will improve, so the baby's sleep time will also increase.

● Therefore, you will find that this period is easier than after that if you are breastfeeding, and if the baby is breastfed, an increase in sleep hours is also expected.

What stages of development of the child in the third month did not notice

● As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, each child is different from the other, and therefore the stages of the child's growth in the third month differ, so you do not need to worry if the development and growth of your child in the beginning is simple, unless there are some noticeable things that require consulting the doctor.

● Wait a little while before consulting the doctor, and contact the doctor in the event that your child is unable to control his head movement in the third or fourth month, and in the event that he is unable to touch things, or he does not smile, or does not react to loud noises or ignores new faces.

Baby health in the third month

● A doctor should be consulted if the child does not respond to loud noises.

● Also, if he does not track moving objects with his eyes.

● Not interacting with people in a good way and with little or no smile.

● Inability to place objects in the mouth with two hands.

● If the child does not make a sound to play or try to speak.

● If he is not trying to move while lying on a flat surface.

Appropriate games and interaction with the mother during the third month after birth

● It is preferable to let your child sleep on his stomach, because his attempt to move his head helps him greatly to strengthen his neck muscles so that he is more ready for the sitting stage without any help from parents.

● Prepare for interesting conversations with your child to create a language dictionary to use at the beginning of their pronunciation, as well as to develop their social skills.

● Use words to describe things around you.

● You can read picture books to match the picture with the word you are saying.

● When your child understands this, the channels of communication increase early, remember that audio and moving games are best for your child at this age.

● Go out with your child to help him understand social skills and communicate with the world around him.

To here we conclude our article, which revolved around the topic of the three-month-old child, and we hope that we have answered all that is on your mind about that, do not forget to publish the article among your friends until the benefit prevails, and we thank you for continuing reading to the end.

Best regards.

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3 years ago
