Schedule time management for the study

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3 years ago

The schedule of time management for the study is the correct basis for making a daily routine for the study to reach an excellent and satisfactory result for each student. The daily schedule makes it easier for the student to divide the time during the day in order to benefit from every minute that gives him success and progress.

Tips for setting a schedule to organize time for studying

Every student at any school level needs to set basic steps or points on which to build the goal he wants to reach by setting a schedule, and we will explain some tips for making this organized schedule, as follows.

Buy a large, clear yearly calendar

It is the first step and the first advice, and it is considered the most important, as it is necessary to provide a large table with large boxes and spaces that the student can use easily and also there must be boxes for the number of daily hours, which are divided according to his circumstances.

Writing fixed appointments on the schedule to organize the study

● Fixed appointments have priority in writing the schedule because they are one of the daily constants for the school day. They are like the dates of lectures or any type of training or strengthening that takes place on a daily basis with changing appointments.

● Taking care to record the dates of activities or specific research dates, or to deliver some research required of the student.

Prioritize from most important to important

● An important step which is required of the student, which is writing the priorities that must be started for the study from the beginning of the school year and starts with the most important ones so that he can continue well.

● Because the study subjects are multiple, and it is important to divide the task from them in order to write it in the schedule to not waste time on others, and he controls time and not the other way around.

Writing in pencil

Writing is done in pencil in order to make it easier for the student to erase any date or change of hour or date. The schedule is controlled by the student and the method of writing on it.

Create a flexible schedule to organize the study

● It is to give the student enough time to study and also to entertain, and it is to divide the school day for the morning period starting from eight in the morning until twelve in the afternoon and after from one in the afternoon until five in the afternoon.

● The evening period is from six o'clock to eight o'clock at night and from nine o'clock to midnight. Each student can divide these hours according to his academic level and circumstances as well.

Fixed times for studying on a daily basis

When the study times are fixed every day, the student’s achievement and absorption result is much better than the non-fixed times, and it is suitable and comfortable for the student.

Proper nutrition and concern for it

In order for us to get an excellent result for the study and comprehension, we also have to eat our daily meals and keep them on time, because it is a key factor in concentration and ability to assimilate. Of course, the body needs nourishment just like the mind.

The place to study and set the table

● The place of course is important for the study and setting the time schedule in a place that the student can follow freely, and one of the best conditions for choosing a place is.

● Away from the family living room.

● A place not next to the home kitchen.

● That the place is not on the bed designated for sleeping.

● Be a comfortable place in ventilation and sunlight.

● All study supplies must be close to the student, and the lighting is comfortable and not dimmed.

● A single period of study does not exceed two hours

● It is better that the study period does not exceed two hours of continuous sitting, concentration and absorption. It is necessary to rest after about an hour and a half or two hours at most.

● In some cases, ten minutes of rest can be divided after every hour, so that the student can renew activity and movement so that he is not tired of sitting or suffering from back pain.

Use your rest time well

The student can properly take advantage of the rest period, regardless of the time period, so that he can have a snack or a certain or favorite drink with some nuts, go out for a little walk, make a phone call, or the like.

The schedule to organize school time is fun

Making the schedule cheerful and not traditional when looking at it sends enthusiasm and pleasure and can write it in a beautiful and neat manner, using cheerful colors with every appointment, hour or day, and carries some hope and optimism to the student.

Leave blank places in the schedule to organize school time

Leave some cells blank in the table because it is possible that there will be some appointments that occurred on the school day and you find a place in the schedule, so you do not have to completely fill in the table.

Make study time on time for the student

Students are not like each other, there are those who prefer studying at night, and there are those who like to study during the day or in the middle of the day, and some of them study at dawn, so the student must choose what suits him according to the domestic and living conditions.

Rewarding the student for himself is important

Upon completing a specific academic load and completing it well, the student must reward himself by going out with some friends and playing on the mobile or any activity he likes.

Schedule school time management and avoid some things

● It is better not to combine the curricula with each other or more than one subject, because this makes the student distracted and unable to concentrate.

● The unjustified delay in which the student falls and leaves everything important until the time of the final exams, which is a fatal mistake for himself.

● Daily follow-up and following the organized schedule that was created because the daily study can be absorbed by the student immediately and not collide with it on the exam day.

● Not to rely on the textbook only, but must benefit from the professor’s explanation or understanding the lecture well.

● Observe the organized schedule that was written and adhere to it from the first day until the end of the school year.

● Commitment to doing all the duties required of the student and not neglecting them because it is very beneficial to him.

● Avoid frustration, feelings of negligence, pessimism and lack of self-confidence.

● Trust in God first, then confidence in oneself to reach and succeed, God willing.

Smart applications that help organize school time

There are some applications on the mobile phone available with which we can organize school time, an example of the following.

1- Voice alarm application

Set the alarm application so that it can alert the student to the specified time for study. There are many shapes and sounds depending on the choice.

2- Application of the deliberation schedule

It is an easy-to-use application like the my home work application that the student can easily use to organize time as well.

3- Photography and writing boards applications

They are applications that you do by photographing whiteboards for studying, saving them as a file or word, and reminding them of them when needed.

4- A note-taking application

These applications are many, varied and free, and it is possible to use the Microsoft application, which is distinctive and easy to use to record any souvenirs.

Stay away from modern distractions

● Staying away from everything that distracts you from studying and making studying for it the largest share of your day, and these distractions are mobile phones, social media, and others.

● At the conclusion of our article, study schedule and time management, we explained to you what is the study schedule, the best use, and the advice involved in creating a study schedule.

We have explained the appropriate times for study, the duration of one period, the student’s diet, and some important advice so that the student can reach a satisfactory result, and we also mentioned some smart applications that the student can resort to from time to time.

Best regards

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3 years ago
