Does the colon cause pain in the upper back?

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3 years ago

People who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome sometimes suffer from symptoms and physical phenomena that appear as if they are not related to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Back pain is one of these phenomena that many mention.

Does the colon cause pain in the upper back

● It is possible that back pain is not due to irritable bowel syndrome most of the time, there are very many different reasons that can lead to feeling pain in the back.

● Back pain sometimes is a reference, so a person feels pain in a place other than the place where the pain occurs.

● The reference for pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome is from the gastrointestinal tract, and back pain is largely caused by constipation, gas or bloating in the abdominal area.

Causes of feeling back pain

● Strong and severe back pain that comes on suddenly for a person with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and lasts for a period of about six weeks.

● While chronic back pain is known to accompany the sufferer for three months, in general acute back pain is more prevalent than chronic back pain.

The most common causes of back pain

● Tension in the muscles and ligaments of the spine

● Swelling or tears in the discs that are found between the vertebrae of the spine.

● Inflammation in the joints of the vertebrae of the spine.

● Abnormalities in the skeleton such as osteoporosis or scoliosis.

● Some immune diseases may cause back pain.

The most common symptom associated with back pain

● Localized pain may appear affecting the muscles in the back as a result of back pain, or the spread of pain from the lower back to the legs, or the occurrence of both symptoms, or the person feeling unable to move easily and move as if his body was stiff.

● It may happen in some very rare cases, that back pain is a sign of a difficult and dangerous condition, so back pain occurs as a symptom of another disease, so the sufferer must search for a medical examination immediately for back pain.

● Or it may be caused by a fall from a high altitude area, and back pain may result in a health problem in the urinary bladder or small intestine.

● There are other symptoms in addition to back pain that require medical attention, and there is no improvement for them even in a resting position.

● Such as widespread pain in the lower legs, pain that results in weight loss without an apparent reason, and pain associated with numbness of the limbs or a feeling of prickling like needles that penetrate our bones.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome

● Irritable Bowel Syndrome is known as a very common condition among the general population. Its action is in the digestive system, affecting it, and stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation at other times occur in some periods.

● So there will be an alternation between constipation and diarrhea and the occurrence of annoying bloating, until now science has not been able to explain the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, despite its association with things that happen in the digestive system.

● Food passes through the small intestine very quickly or very slowly, and because the nerves in this area are very sensitive, when anxiety, fear or panic attacks occurs in addition to a family history of this disease, all of this can contribute to irritable bowel disease because it may be Hereditary.

● Sometimes people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome may suffer from complaining about this problem for a long period of time throughout their lives, and these symptoms appear and disappear with time.

● It may last for a short period of days or weeks, or this period may extend for months, and every time the seizure comes, the familiarity and attempt to live with this problem may make the sufferer feel frustrated and affect his daily life negatively.

● But with all of this and with changing habits such as eating different foods, monitoring your irritable bowel and not increasing stress, this is one of the experiments that have shown its effectiveness and will help you in very many times to control symptoms.

Does the colon cause back pain?

● The few studies that were conducted to look at the prevalence of back pain in Irritable Bowel Syndrome have shown that it is possible that back pain is caused by the presence of pain in the abdomen due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and this form of pain was named to be known as reference pain.

● This pain, called reference pain, occurs when the sufferer feels the pain in a location other than the actual pain location.

● An illustrative example can be provided to understand this point. When a person has a heart attack, there is pain in the teeth and jaw, and although the heart is the cause of pain, the pain is transmitted to the teeth and jaw.

● The same way, the pain that affects the back may be caused by Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and the pain has been referred to the upper back. Thus, we have answered the question: Does irritable bowel cause upper back pain.

● There are also studies conducted in Australia to assess the severity of back pain on women who suffer from disorders of their respiratory system, bedwetting, or symptoms associated with the digestive system, and they found that all of these cases lead to the development of back pain.

● The authors of these studies also drew their attention that patients who complain of symptoms associated with the digestive system may also complain of the severity of visceral pain and increased abdominal pain, and it is believed that all these symptoms occur as a result of disturbances that occur within the gastrointestinal tract.

● There is a link between irritable bowel syndrome and fibromyalgia as well, which causes widespread pain in the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Fibromyalgia may occur throughout the body, and the upper back may be affected by this pain due to the colon. Fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome are closely related, resulting in pain that spreads widely in the muscle, tendon, and ligament area.

● Fibromyalgia can occur in every part of the body. Does irritable bowel syndrome affect upper back pain? Muscle pain may affect the upper back area as a result of IBS, so the answer is yes, it affects.

Treating irritable bowel pain

● Medicine has not reached this moment for a specific treatment to be relied upon to treat back pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome, as most of the drugs that can relieve irritable bowel syndrome can also treat back pain, but not definitively, but rather relieve it.

● Especially if the back pain is caused by abdominal cramps or bloating, or bouts of diarrhea and constipation.

● Some treatments can relieve constipation, flatulence, and back pain caused by irritable bowel syndrome.

● As types of probiotics, which are medicines that contain beneficial bacteria that benefit the intestine and can reduce bloating, but you should consult your doctor before taking them.


● Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one of the main causes of upper back pain.

● Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disease that affects the digestive system.

● The scientific cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not known yet, but it is due to the nerves in the stomach.

● Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms: Flatulence and unpleasant cramps.

● There is a significant association between stomach pain, bone pain, and the inability to move freely.

● The pain may last for a short time or for a long time, but you can skip it to some extent by changing your routine.

Best regards.

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3 years ago
