When I was a child I dreamed of being a police woman to serve and protect my country and my fellow citezen. But it seems we do not have money for me to get into school. It looks like my development is often slow, I dream of reaching everything i would like Elegant car and luxury house and dine at expensive eateries, to buy clothes that smell good to look . One day, i will be able to stand tall and proud. The peak of my dream is really too high that i cannot barely to reach. I took all the exams too well, i will be able to achieve all my dreams.
As I go through i met a lot of trials and unspecified opponents i used to be just a child fidgeting with luck like bamboo and within the storm stands, i might still be too far if I measured the time, i'll not waste the grapes i buy. I write rather than playing there within the stream don't fret there are more ways .There are blessings available to us i do know we've plenty of hungry teens, allow us to all change the shock of fate. I dream of achieving everything i wish, whether or not it's difficult for me to cope.
Because in this world the one who quit will always be the loser.
Share you best dream when you are still a child please do it on the comment section.
All our dreams come true , if we have the courage to pursue them, dont give up on your passions dear, have patience and always believe in yourself. May you live to accomplish all the wonderful goals you have set in life my friend. Have in mind that nothing can stop you from living your dreams.