Why does my dog roll on his toys?

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3 years ago

As a fur parent, we buy toys for our pooch as a reward or just simply giving them to play with.

Toys can varry to sqeaky toys, plush toys, balls. Some toys are beneficial to your dog like removing tartar or cleaning teeth.

Sometimes, we as humans, we don't realize that toys are also cure for separation anxiety. (Now I feel guilty!)

Dogs are weird and cute! They do funny things and sometimes we wonder.

So ever wonder when your dog suddenly rolls on his toys?

You might think he is hiding something away from you, Hooman!

Read and find out:

• 5 reasons why your dog roll on his toys.

• 3 tips to stop your dog from rolling on his toys.

He's a cutie <3

5 reasons why your dog rolls on his toys

(Pic from Unsplash)

#1: Your dog is territorial to his toys.

Rolling on his toys means he loves his toys. Leaving a scent on the toys by rolling will mark the ownership.

He wants to make sure that everyone knows those toys are his. This will let other dogs including humans not touch his toys. It is the same for humans, aren’t we?

#2: Your dog is itching.

The first thing to come to mind when our dog is rolling, we think that he is itching. Our dogs are smart enough to figure out a way to deal with the itch.

Some dogs will roll over into wooden toys he likes to chew as if massaging its back. You might as well check on your dog’s skin health.

He may be suffering from skin allergies or rashes. Check as well if he has ticks. This may be uncomfortable for dogs.

#3: Your dog is very happy.

A happy pooch shows different body language to tell how happy he is. Learning these body languages helps fur parents to gauge dogs’ emotions.

When you see your dog rolling to his favorite toy, it is because he is showing full of happiness.

#4: Your dog is begging for attention.

Maybe your pooch is waiting for you to play with them. They are smart enough to catch your undivided attention.

If barking is not enough, a sign could be rolling on to his favorite toy.

Your dog is your best friend and you may want to play with him from time to time.

#5: Your dog is obsessed with his toys.

We see a dog barks and snaps at dogs even with humans who try to take away their toys. Toys can be a way of showing their behavior.

Such as chewing, dogs do this to relieve the pain from teething.

On rolling with toys, your dog may be is just obsessed with it. There is nothing to worry about with the obsession.

However, when the dog starts to snap especially when feeling threatened, it could be a problem.

3 tips to stop your dog from rolling on his toys

#1: Choose the right type of toys.

We humans don’t really have enough time of the day to finish all the work.

We forgot our responsibilities. We don’t have the luxury to play with our furry friends. Instead, we buy toys as substitutes to play with.

In preventing our dogs to roll over their toys, pick soft toys instead.

Hard or wood type of toys can entice scratching backs. In addition to this, pick the right size of toy for your dog and avoid breakable toys.

#2: Train your dog.

Make some commands such as “No” or “Stay Away”.

When your little pooch is trying to rub his back on his toys, say these commands. Practice this habit whenever your dog is doing it.

You might want to enroll your dog in training to learn commands. After some improvements, give them treats as a reward.

Training should be done with love and care, and patience. It will take time but worth all the effort.

3#: Leave a scent on the toy.

Try rolling some scent in the toys. Dog marks their belongings. They do this to leave a message If they smell a different scent, they avoid it.

You can try essential oils that are non-toxic to dogs such as chamomile, Frankincense, ginger, lavender, myrrh, and peppermint.

(Pic from Unsplash)

Woof- woof! Thanks for reading my first article! Love & care for all animals! <3

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3 years ago
