Belief & Knowledge: Knowing is believing

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1 month ago

We all believe in something, even though we wish we knew instead.

Some of us know we believe. Others believe they know.

Even if you do know that you know something, you must first believe in and trust your own sanity - your own ability to discern what is truly knowable and factual.

There may be objective truth, but are we, as humans, able to fully identify it objectively, free from individual bias, mental processes or floating narratives? Is our mental capacity enough? What if by not knowing the answer to this question we prove that it’s not?

If you don’t know whether you’re good enough, it’s probably because you know you’re not. If you “know” you’re good enough, it’s possible that you’re deluded.

Perhaps the only truth is that no one can know truth.

As for me, all I know is that I know nothing.

- Socrates


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1 month ago
