How the World Economy was built and how it will end PART (1/4) | | The US and THE MIDDLE EAST

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3 years ago

The reason it's hard for many of us to understand the world today is because, the events that created the world we currently live in happened in tiny bits, amongst several people, and in several nations.

To understand a lot of the issues facing the world right now, we need to focus on America, what she has done to gain her power, and why she's falling because whatever America does, affects the entire world.

We are going to look at certain key individuals and their role in this shit show we find ourselves in.


All the world powers, the US, Germany, Russia, China were all very nervous as they didn't know who was going to launch a missile next.

Lot's of devastation, too much instability, and everyone was looking for stability and assurance that the tensions that lead to the war don't happen again


Henry Kissinger and King Asad of Syria

Following tensions in the battle for territory between Israel and Syria, on February 26, 1974, Henry Kissinger goes to Damascus, Syria to make a peace deal to maintain stability in the region. Kissinger tells Asad he wants to strike a deal to bring peace in that region and Asad is happy to cooperate. Instead, Kissinger goes behind Asad's back to strike a deal with Isreal that excludes Syria and consolidates power to Israel.

Asad is furious and promises to unleash hidden skeletons in the Arab world. These skeletons turned out to be suicide bombers.

The Neo-conservatives and the idea of negative liberty

The Neo-conservatives are a group of people that believe in liberty and democracy.. at all costs. Some of the people that share this idea are in the top agencies of the world, in charge of foreign policy and international relations, and they try to enforce democracy all over the world.

This group believes in something called negative liberty which is the idea that the end justifies the means, that you can kill thousands of people if it ensures the freedom of millions of people. They are like the disciples of democracy and feel it is their sole duty to ensure that every inch of the world practices democracy.

So they head out to the Middle East, specifically to Iraq to try and overthrow their president at that time, Saddam Hussein.

They said Saddam was a terrible leader, but a lot of Iraqis were living better than they are today, even though they weren't practicing a democracy, their religious system was serving that region well but the neoconservatives will not rest until the whole world is democracy.

They labeled him a dictator and created an uprising within the Iraqis and armed them to try and overthrow their leader, this creation of the uprising lead to the rise of the Taliban.

The Taliban eventually realizes the betrayal and how America has destroyed their home so they want to destroy America. Their hatred is towards America but they also turn on their own people for supporting American ideologies. The Taliban does outrageous things like bombings, in hopes, it will shake the reality of people and make them question the system they live in. This ideology stems from Wahhabism

Saudia Arabia and Wahhabism: A section of Islam with teachings that promote violence, it is these teachings that built the modern Arab world, beheadings, killings, and bombings in the name of God. Just like the Christians in the bible waged war in God's name. And it is what the Saudi's practice as the rule of Law, till today, they still do public beheadings, just like they did 100 years ago.

America has tried to fight these extremist groups but new ones keep popping up because no matter who they defeat, as long as the Wahhabi ideology exists then it will be taught and weaponized.

The US realizes this but there's a problem. All of the modern infrastructure, trains, roads, etc were built by energy and Saudi was the home of this energy. It is why they are so rich, the region discovered oil early and they had the world at their knees. The last thing they want is to fight the Saudis due to oil.

Saudi once held the UK by the throat by increasing the price of oil drastically and causing the UK to blackout due to power shortage. It was so bad they were having power once, every 3 days for a few hours.

Most of the world powers didn't want to attack the heart of these terrorist groups because of a good relationship with Saudis. As you may know, there are rumors 9/11 was caused by the Saudis:

And anyone trying to get to the bottom of 9/11 ends up like this :

.An endless cycle of terror

And so because of this reason, we keep hearing about one new set of bombers every year or two. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram,(____), and a new set of soldiers being deployed.

They were reports that under king ASAD's son administration, Syrian intelligence agencies were using suicide bombers secretly. Soon the bombers started bombing the Syrians and even members of the Syrian government. And of course, the King Asad's son Bashar, responded by bombing their own people

Taliban getting ready to bomb the US

So you see, all of the violence you see is about money and greed, but there is hope, it will stop one day.

In PART (TWO) of this post, we'll talk about the greedy banks and tech corporations that fund these wars and see how it all leads to Bitcoin and why Bitcoin is going to change the world.

I hope you found this post informative. Hit the subscribe button and upvote for more posts like this. Cheers guys.

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$ 0.05 from @salma24
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3 years ago


Informative one.😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sad parts of history. 😔 That's why most people view Muslims as terrorist. 😔

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it's sad, some of the best people I've met are Muslims. People will take something good and add bad things to it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree 💯

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Here are some points i would like to add post WW2 economic expansion like Keynesian economy after recession of 1930 (US), golden age of capitalist, restructuring and building Europe Union (formely k/s ECSC and EEC) as the Europe was largely affected in terms of economy and resources due to war, East Asian countries remodel there economy, GATT formed in 1947 which later leads to WTO, need of International institutions to finance war affected countries, cold war rivalry which leads to ideological difference and in turn grouping of countries, geopolitical hegemony by economic sanction and military power, International and Regional Alliance to form agencies/institutions

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interesting, can you point me to resources where I can find out more about this?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Actually i had studied WW2 and its effect on world..those points i remember till now..all thing can't be found under one sources but will have to accumulate from different sources..if allowed me i can explain it one by one in short format... Also middle East role came back very lately for creating world economy when the commercial mining for oil exploration began..

$ 0.00
3 years ago