Sadness: Have you ever felt being sad?

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3 years ago

Have you noticed that a lot of people nowadays are lonely? When you check on social media, you’ll see a lot of post about depression and loneliness. Loneliness affects people of all ages, regardless of a person’s race or ethnicity, social level, or religious beliefs, anyone can be lonely. Have you ever felt being lonely? If I ask you now, are lonely right now? The truth is that all of us can experience loneliness. As the saying goes “no man is an island’, yes we all need to have someone who can listen to our rants in life, someone who is willing to lend an ear when we feel discouraged, someone who will try to understand what we are thinking of, what we feel and someone who can understand us as a person. Yes, we need to feel that someone cares for us.

But it doesn’t always mean that when a person is alone, he or she is lonely. A person may live alone for a long period of time and enjoy doing things without feeling lonely at all. But on the other hand, there are people who can’t stand alone and can’t bear to be alone. My cousin once told me that shes never wants to be alone in life forever. She wants to get married and have a companion until she grows old.

This is what the The American Heritage Dictionary states:

Loneliness emphasizes isolation but does not always imply unhappiness. . . . Sadness usually implies dealing with the painful reality of being alone. . . Grief, on the other hand, emphasizes the depressing longing for companionship, ” that is, a state of mourning, grief, or sadness.”

Yes, a person’s heart needs comforting. It needs to receive a sincere empathy to survive.

What is sadness?

Sadness is an intense emotion and it can even bring an excruciating pain to someone - emotional pain to be specific. Sadness is the feeling of longing, the feeling of being alienated and alone. Sadness can cause frighten and can weaken a person. Have you ever experienced these feelings? Then what caused you to feel that way?

The Causes Of Sadness

Sadness can be caused by a lot of things or reasons. Every situations and personal circumstances and problems has a different effect on each person. We have different reactions too because all of us are unique individuals.

On social media, you’ll see a lot of things that may cause someone to feel sad and lonely. Seeing a person’s peers become successful while he is still the same can cause him to pity himself and it might lead to sadness. Being an outcast because of the way look, the way you talk and because of your culture, being different because of religion and race can become reasons of a person’s sadness too. Being in a new environment, missing the old way of living and even moving to a new country can also cause sadness. And as we grow old, our circle of friends may change because things will not remain as it is forever.

Moreover, when a person gets married, his or her circumstances changes too. Some people gets married thinking that they live “happily ever after” once the wedding ceremony is over. But getting married doesn’t mean you’ll always be free from being unhappy due to being single. Disagreements and misunderstandings can create a tension between couples and it can also breed suspicion and can even lead to isolation between the spouses, and worst between their children.

These are the things that can cause sadness.

Fight Off Sadness

It is not always easy to overcome sadness. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and patience. It also involves intense emotions. But a person’s grief can surely be coped. The intense emotion of sadness can be overcomed.

◼ Remember that our situation can change, that it is not a permanent situation but a common one experienced by others.

◼ Be content with yourself as a whole.

◼ Have good eating and exercise habits, and get enough sleep.

◼ Be careful not to judge people you meet based on your past experiences.

◼ Use solitude time to create self-created objects and learn new skills.

◼ Appreciate your friends and their unique qualities.

◼ Do good to others — smile at them, speak kindly.

@thepandagirl 🐼

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