Spaghetti with Sicilian flavour

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Ingredients for 4 people:

dried tomatoes 150 g;
pine nuts 20 g;
almonds 50 g;
one clove garlic;
extra virgin olive oil to taste;
chili pepper to taste;
basil a few leaves;
toasted breadcrumbs 50 g
spaghetti (the most suitable are the large ones) 350 g


Place all the raw ingredients in the mixer, except the crumbs.
Toast the breadcrumbs in a saucepan.
Cook the spaghetti, drain them and put them together with the sauce in the pan, then pour in the toasted crumbs and serve.
Enjoy your meal!!

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from Anonymous user(s)


This surely taste good. A must try recipe. Thanks a lot for sharing. :-)

$ 0.00
3 months ago