Father Mario's meat ragout

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3 months ago

This is the recipe for making an excellent meat sauce learned from my father-in-law Mario, an excellent chef who often delights us with his dishes. Here's how to make it:


minced beef 300 g
minced pork 200 g
rabbit liver n 1 (not mandatory)
1 onion
1 carrot
parsley to taste
celery a rib
garlic 2 cloves
peeled tomatoes 800 g
red wine half a glass
coarse salt 4 teaspoons


Chop the onion, carrot, parsley, celery and garlic all together. Place them raw in a large, possibly high pan together with the minced meat and add enough oil and coarse salt. Meanwhile, clean the rabbit liver, place it in a saucepan with cold water and boil it for 2-3 minutes, then grind it and add it to the rest in the pan. Keep the pan uncovered on the heat until the water drains away, let a first crust form (as soon as it starts to stick to the bottom of the pot), mix and let a second crust form. Add the red wine. Allow to evaporate, add the peeled tomatoes and a little water and then cook for an hour and a half over a low, covered heat.
Enjoy your meal!

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